The Fatty Acid Composition and the Activity of Acyl-Lipid Desaturases in the Buds of Silver Birch in Winter-Spring Period in Karelia and Yakutia
Betula pendula Roth, adaptation, desaturases, fatty acids, total lipids, the Republic of Karelia, YakutiaAbstract
The dynamics of the fatty acid composition and activity of acyl-lipid desaturases contained in the buds of silver birch Betula pendula Roth have been studied. The places of growth of this tree are located in contrasting natural and climatic conditions: at the same latitude – 62° N, but are separated from each other by more than 5 thousand km in the longitudinal direction – 34° E (the vicinity of Petrozavodsk) and 130° E (the vicinity of Yakutsk). It has been found that, regardless of the place of growth, in the spring-winter period, the total lipids of the buds of silver birch have been characterized by a high content of unsaturated fatty acids. At the same time, significant differences have been revealed in the composition of mono-, di- and trienoic fatty acids, the dynamics of which have largely depended on both the phase of winter-spring plant development and the degree of continentality of the climate. It has been shown that in Karelia, during the exogenous dormancy period (January–March), an increased content of dienoic fatty acids is observed in the lipids of the buds of silver birch, and by the beginning of their breaking (April–May) – trienoic fatty acids, whereas in Yakutia in the winter-spring period monoenoic and dienoic fatty acids steadily prevail. At the same time, a high activity of ω6- and ω3-desaturases (responsible for the synthesis of linoleic С18:2 and С18:3 fatty acids) has been detected in the lipids of the buds of silver birch growing in Karelia, and ω9-desaturase (catalyzing the synthesis of oleic С18:1 fatty acid) in Yakutia. It has been suggested that in permafrost conditions there is a relationship between the expression of
genes controlling the formation of ω9-acyl-lipid desaturase and the resistance of the tissues of primordial organs during their intra-bud development to negative temperatures not only of the air, but also of the root-inhabited soil layer. The authors believe that the features identified in the composition of total lipids in the buds of silver birch in Yakutia compared to Karelia can be considered as one of the additional mechanisms that increase the adaptive potential of the species in permafrost conditions and allowing the representatives of the genus Betula L. to expand their area to the northern limit of the distribution of woody vegetation.
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