Scientific Substantiation of Aspen Wood Use in Wooden Glued Structures




glued structures, wooden house construction, wood, coniferous species, aspen, internal stresses, dimensions of blanks, glue joint strength


One of the promising materials for construction are wooden glued structures. According to the current regulatory documents, for the production of such structures coniferous wood is usually used, the reserves of which in industrially developed areas have significantly decreased over the last decades. At the same time, in a number of regions of Russia there is a significant raw material reserve of aspen wood, which has been successfully used in the construction of buildings and structures for many centuries. Its physical and mechanical characteristics differ from pine wood from 3.2 to 18.6 %. Therefore, it can be considered as an alternative source of raw materials for wooden house construction enterprises. To assess the degree influence of the combination of coniferous and aspen wood on the strength of the glue joint, as one of the main indicators of the quality of wooden glued structures, a set of theoretical and experimental studies was carried out. Maximum tangential and normal stresses of glue joint in pine and aspen blanks, which are significantly higher than those of solid wood, were determined by calculation. The values of shear strength in glued pine and aspen lamellas (4.46–8.06 MPa), obtained during the experiments at the 1st stage of research, were close to the strength of solid wood. At the 2nd stage the method of dispersion analysis was used, the results confirmed the assumption that when gluing lamellas up to 20 mm thick, the difference in the strength of the glue joint of structures made of pine and structures made of pine and aspen is insignificant. The obtained data serve as a basis for further work on diversification of raw material resources in the production of wooden glued structures due to the involvement of low-demand aspen wood in processing.
For citation: Titunin A.A., Gevorgyan M.S., Fedotov A.A., Vakhnina T.N., Susoeva I.V. Scientific Substantiation of Aspen Wood Use in Wooden Glued Structures. Lesnoy Zhurnal = Russian Forestry Journal, 2023, no. 6, pp. 149–161. (In Russ.).


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Author Biographies

Andrey A. Titunin, Kostroma State University

Doctor of Engineering, Assoc. Prof.; ResearcherID: W-5121-2017

Meline S. Gevorgyan, Kostroma State Agricultural Academy

Postgraduate Student; ResearcherID: GSD-6751-2022

Alexander A. Fedotov, Kostroma State University

Candidate of Engineering, Assoc. Prof.; ResearcherID: R-1155-2018

Tatiana N. Vakhnina, Kostroma State University

Candidate of Engineering, Assoc. Prof.; ResearcherID: R-1116-2018

Irina V. Susoeva, Kostroma State University

Doctor of Engineering, Assoc. Prof.; ResearcherID: R-1053-2018


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How to Cite

Titunin А., Gevorgyan М., Fedotov А., Vakhnina Т., and Susoeva И. “Scientific Substantiation of Aspen Wood Use in Wooden Glued Structures”. Lesnoy Zhurnal (Forestry Journal), no. 6, Dec. 2023, pp. 149-61, doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2023-6-149-161.

