Study of the Influence of Binder Type on the Properties of Glass Fiber Filter Paper for Air Purification
glass fiber, filter materials, air purification, capillary absorbency, tensile strength, airflow resistance, permeability coefficient, polyethylene, thermomechanical mass, polyvinyl acetate, binding materialAbstract
At the moment, there is a wide variety of materials for air filtration, however, it is necessary to develop new, more efficient and cost-effective materials. Numerous studies have shown that in order to obtain a highly effective filter material for fine air purification from particles of 0.1–0.5 μm, ultrafine and microfine glass fibers should be introduced into the composition. Glass fibers have a whole complex of unique properties: thermal, chemical and biological resistance, high specific surface area, filtering ability, strength and resistance to aggressive media. At the same time, glass fibers, unlike fibers of plant origin, do not have the ability to fibrillate, swell and bond formation. Therefore, a strong filter material requires a binder that provides the necessary technological strength while maintaining the specified filtering characteristics. The study of composite material based on mineral fiber was carried out, polyadherical complexes of aluminum, thermomechanical pulp (TMP), polyvinyl acetate (PVA) and polyethylene (PE) were used as binders. The main indicators are the tensile strength, capillary absorption, resistance to air flow and permeability coefficient. The novelty of this work lies in the application of TMP and PE as binders in the composite material based on glass fibers. The addition of a binder based on TMP to the composition is advisable in the range of 5–30 % of the fiber mass, for PE this range is 2–10 %. The studied composite material with the addition of PE as a binder has sufficient technological strength, a low coefficient of permeability and resistance to air flow. PE can be used as a promising binder for composite filter materials based on glass fibers for air purification.
For citation: Krinitsin N.A., Dubovy V.K., Polyakova K.V., Koverninsky I.N. Study of the Influence of Binder Type on the Properties of Glass Fiber Filter Paper for Air Purification. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2022, no. 2, pp. 178–192. DOI: 10.37482/0536-
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