Effect of Peroxiredoxin 6 on Nephrons in the Early Reperfusion Period After Renal Ischemia in Rats





renal ischemia-reperfusion, morphofunctional changes in nephrons, peroxiredoxins, urea, creatinine, kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1)


Renal reperfusion injury develops rapidly after ischemia relief. It is with the onset of reperfusion that a cascade of pathological processes is launched, which means that measures to protect the kidney have to be taken as early as in this period. The aim of the paper was to study the effect of exogenous peroxiredoxin 6 (Prx6) on the morphofunctional state of nephrons in the initial reperfusion period following ischemia. Materials and methods. The right kidney of rats was subjected to 45-minute ischemia with prior left-sided nephrectomy and examined after 2, 5 and 24 hours of reperfusion. Exogenous Prx6 was administered intravenously 15 minutes before ischemia. Results. The research showed that nephrectomy has no effect on the morphology of a single kidney, but leads to an increase in urea and creatinine in the blood within 24 hours. We noted signs of morphological and functional damage to nephrons after 2 hours of reperfusion, which tend to increase in the course of 24 hours. In addition, we observed a rise in blood creatinine and urea concentrations, an increase in the areas of renal corpuscles, glomeruli, and Bowman’s capsule, as well as dystrophic changes in nephrocytes and an increase in the immunosignal area of the kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1). When exogenous Prx6 was used, we observed normalization of the size of nephron components, a decrease in KIM-1 immunosignal and an improvement in the kidney’s excretory function both in the early reperfusion period and after 24 hours. Thus, exogenous Prx6 reduces damage to nephrons during the early reperfusion period, which improves their compensatory and adaptive properties in ischemia-reperfusion injury.


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Author Biographies

Alina E. Gordeeva, Pushchino Scientific Center for Biological Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Senior Researcher; Laboratory of Reception Mechanisms, Institute of Cell Biophysics, RAS, PSCBR RAS.

Ezhena A. Kurganova, Pushchino State Institute of Natural Sciences

магистрант факультета биологии; Пущинский государственный естественно-научный институт


Vladimir I. Novoselov, Pushchino Scientific Center for Biological Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Professor, Chief Researcher; Laboratory of Reception Mechanisms, Institute of Cell Biophysics, RAS, PSCBR RAS.



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How to Cite

Gordeeva А., Kurganova Э., & Novoselov В. (2023). Effect of Peroxiredoxin 6 on Nephrons in the Early Reperfusion Period After Renal Ischemia in Rats. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 11(1), 75–85. https://doi.org/10.37482/2687-1491-Z130

