Popular Spa Procedures and Prospects for the Use of the Author’s Method of Vibroacoustic Massage with Singing Bowls in Wellness Practice (Review)





SPA, vibrotherapy, vibromassage, vibroacoustic massage, singing bowls, body psychotherapy


The traditions of spa culture originated in Ancient Greece and have been developed to include various manual and instrumental techniques. The health resort sphere has much in common with the spa sector; however, the treatment in the former is carried out according to strict medical indications. Spa procedures have been gaining popularity in countries beyond Western Europe, including Russia; thus, the potential of using spa methods in Russian wellness practice requires careful study. In recent years, more and more people have turned to vibroacoustic massage with singing bowls, which can become a relevant and useful procedure at health resort and spa facilities. This paper aimed to present an overview of the most popular procedures as well as to determine the prospects for the use of the author’s method of vibroacoustic massage with singing bowls (patent RU2687006C1) in wellness practice. The review of literary sources showed that among the manual methods the most in demand are massage and body wraps, while among the instrumental techniques, vacuum therapy, vibrotherapy, chromotherapy, microcurrent treatment, and aromatherapy. Vibroacoustic massage with singing bowls includes both manual and instrumental techniques, since it involves a massage therapist along with physical factors (sound and vibration). The author’s method of vibroacoustic massage with singing bowls improves the quality of sleep as well as the physical and emotional state, stabilizes mental processes, relieves depression as well as trait and state anxiety, and reduces pain, which ultimately leads to increased activity and normalization of one’s social life. This method is environmentally friendly, safe, inexpensive and neither interacts with the main therapy or has pronounced side effects, which makes it a potentially useful procedure at health resort and spa facilities.


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Rodek N., Máhr T., Birkner Z. Innovation in the Service Sector: A Possible Recipe for Success for the Spa Towns of Central Europe // Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA – ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference. Virtual Conference, 10–12 September 2020. Zagreb, 2020. Vol. 6. Р. 504–511.

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How to Cite

Oguy В. (2022). Popular Spa Procedures and Prospects for the Use of the Author’s Method of Vibroacoustic Massage with Singing Bowls in Wellness Practice (Review). Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 10(3), 287–300. https://doi.org/10.37482/2687-1491-Z107