Adaptive, Regulatory and Functional Capabilities of Students of Different Biological Ages According to the “Bio-Age” Scale




students, chronological age, biological age, Bio-Age scale, rate of ageing, body’s adaptive capabilities, regulatory mechanisms, body’s functional capabilities


Biological age (BA) is determined by a set of metabolic, structural, functional, regulatory and adaptive characteristics of the body. Assessment of biological age is the key to studying the influence of time and environmental conditions on changes in the body at all stages of ontogenesis. The purpose of this article was to study the adaptive, regulatory and functional characteristics of students of different biological ages, determined using the Bio-Age scale. Materials and methods. The research involved 521 students aged 18–25 years who were examined at the Health Centre based at Arzamas City Hospital No. 1. These included anthropometry, bioelectrical impedance analysis, cardiointervalography, anklebrachial index test, as well as determination of total cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood. Results. Biological age assessment using the Bio-Age scale showed that only in 1/2 of the students the biological age coincides with the chronological age, while 1/3 of the subjects already have an accelerated rate of ageing. The adaptive capabilities of students whose biological age is less than the chronological age (BA < CA) are better than of those whose biological age exceeds the chronological age (BA > CA). This is confirmed not only by the adaptation degree according to R.M. Baevsky’s method, but also by stress index dynamics and by the parameters of heart rate spectral analysis. In students with BA < CA, the functional state of the body is optimal both at rest and during an orthostatic test: the total power of the cardiointervalogram spectrum decreases due to reduced activity of the parasympathetic division. In students with BA > CA, both in the supine and prone positions, a mismatch in the functioning of different parts of the autonomic nervous system was identified, namely, greater involvement of the central parts of heart rate control, increased sympathetic influences and a weaker activity of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.


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How to Cite

Mikhaylova С. ., & Khrycheva Т. . (2023). Adaptive, Regulatory and Functional Capabilities of Students of Different Biological Ages According to the “Bio-Age” Scale. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 11(3), 265–277.