Beta-Casein of Cow’s Milk and Its Effects on the Human Body (Review)




β-casomorphin-7, β-casein, A1 allele, A2 allele, peptide, cow’s milk, β-casein gene, lactose intolerance


Cow’s milk is an important food product for humans since it has a complex chemical composition and high nutritional value. Over 140 fatty acids, including linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acids, were found in milk’s lipid profile. Milk is rich in minerals and contains almost all fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. Milk proteins are a complete source of all essential amino acids for humans. Approximately 78 % of the total amount of protein in milk is casein. Beta-casein is one of the most important proteins in cow’s milk, accounting for up to 35 % of all milk proteins. It is believed that the A2A2 allele of the β-casein gene allows animals to produce а more nutritionally valuable milk since in this case, during the cleavage of β-casein in the human gastrointestinal tract, β-casomorphin-7 is either not produced or is produced in much smaller (trace) amounts than in the case of the А1А1 allele, which makes the process of milk digestion more physiological. Research has shown a link between β-casomorphin-7 and a variety of negative effects that occur both directly in the gastrointestinal tract and throughout the human body, contributing to the development of numerous pathologies, in particular type 1 diabetes mellitus, cardiac diseases, and various neurological disorders. A comprehensive study involving preschool children demonstrated that replacing regular milk with milk containing only A2А2 β-casein led to a significant reduction in complications associated with gastrointestinal intolerance as well as to improved cognitive functions.


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How to Cite

Pankov М. Н., Smolina В. С., Stupina А. О., Klassen И. А., & Spasskiy Е. А. (2024). Beta-Casein of Cow’s Milk and Its Effects on the Human Body (Review). Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 12(3), 411–418.