Correction of Free Radical Blood Imbalance and Behaviour in Prenatally Stressed Rats with α-Tocopherol




free radical homeostasis, prenatal stress, correction of the consequences of prenatal stress, α-tocopherol, behaviour, male white rats


The research involved female mongrel white rats (n = 16) and their offspring (sexually mature males, n = 75). Pregnant females were divided into 4 groups: control (intact animals), stress (from the 16th to the 19th day of pregnancy females were subjected to 3-hour immobilization in plastic cases), stress+α-tocopherol (against the background of immobilization, females received α-tocopherol at a dose of 1 mg per 100 g of weight starting from the 2nd day of pregnancy), and α-tocopherol (females received α-tocopherol in the same dose and regimen as the group above). The control and stress groups received vegetable oil instead of α-tocopherol. In 3-month-old female offspring, we studied behaviour and determined the levels of products of free radical modification of proteins and lipids, total antioxidant activity as well as superoxide dismutase and ceruloplasmin activity in the blood plasma. Prenatal stress increased the exploratory and motor activity in offspring and modified the level of free radical homeostasis in the serum of male rats: there was an increase in the level of products of oxidative modification of proteins, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances concentration, end products of lipid peroxidation (Schiff bases), total antioxidant activity and ceruloplasmin activity, as well as a decrease in superoxide dismutase activity. Alpha-tocopherol taken by females during pregnancy brought all the oxidation parameters modified by immobilization to the values of the control group; the levels of primary products of oxidative modification of proteins and lipid peroxidation decreased two-fold, compared with the stress group. The activity of superoxide dismutase and ceruloplasmin returned to the control values, but the total antioxidant activity remained at the level of the stress group. Thus, there is reason to assume that α-tocopherol has a significant corrective effect on the intensity of free radical processes in prenatally stressed white male rats.
For citation: Kuleshova O.N., Teplyy D.L., Teplyy D.D. Correction of Free Radical Blood Imbalance and Behaviour in Prenatally Stressed Rats with α-Tocopherol. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2021, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 25–34. DOI: 10.37482/2687-1491-Z040


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How to Cite

Кулешова, О. Н., Теплый, Д. Л., & Теплый, Д. Д. (2021). Correction of Free Radical Blood Imbalance and Behaviour in Prenatally Stressed Rats with α-Tocopherol. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 9(1), 25–34.