Sex- and Age-Related Features of Interrelations Between Structural and Functional Parameters of the Heart in Junior Speed Skaters
structural and functional parameters of the heart, young skaters, correlations, sex- and agerelated features, electrocardiogram, echocardiographyAbstract
Success of adaptive changes in young athletes in response to training and competition loads is predicted on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of quantitative and qualitative parameters of the state of critical body systems, primarily, the cardiovascular system. The aim of this paper was to determine sex- and age-related features of the morphofunctional parameters of the heart in young skaters and to identify the relationships that determine their adaptation to speed skating. Materials and methods. The research (with informed consent) included 49 athletes of both sexes with the rank of the First-Class Sportsman. The subjects were divided by age and sex into four subgroups: boys aged 13–15 and 16–18 years; girls aged 13–15 and 16–18 years. We performed electrocardiogram (ECG) recording and echocardiographic examination at rest in line with the existing protocols. Results. According to the screening of intra-system correlations between ECG and echocardiography contour analysis parameters, the following proved to be of prognostic significance: QT interval duration, heart rate and alpha angle for girls aged 13–15 years; duration of atrial excitation and pulmonary artery diameter for boys aged 13–15 years; ejection fraction and cardiac cycle duration for girls aged 16–18 years; duration of atrial excitation, which has four correlations with echocardiographic parameters, for boys aged 16–18 years. The revealed features of the structure of intra-system relationships between 21 morphofunctional parameters of the cardiovascular system are determined in the first age group (13–15 years) by athlete’s sex, while in the second age group (16–18 years) by sex and type of sport.
For citation: Yarysheva V.B., Shibkova D.Z., Bayguzhin P.A., Erlikh V.V. Sex- and Age-Related Features of Interrelations Between Structural and Functional Parameters of the Heart in Junior Speed Skaters. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2021, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 405–416. DOI: 10.37482/2687-1491-Z078
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