Heart Rate Regulation in Adolescents of Different Ethnic Groups in Northeast Russia
heart rate variability, autonomic balance, heart regulation, 14–15-year-old adolescents, adaptation, extreme climatic and geographical conditions, Northeast RussiaAbstract
The climatic and geographical conditions of Russia’s northeastern region form certain biological adaptation mechanisms in the population, contributing to the body’s optimal functioning in this environment. In spite of the fact that the body’s adaptation mechanisms to extreme conditions of Northeast Russia have been sufficiently studied, this issue remains relevant. The influence of negative factors during adolescence, when the body is extremely vulnerable, can disrupt the adaptation mechanisms and initiate pre-pathological and pathological processes. The function of the cardiovascular system is one of the main indicators that can be used to evaluate the body’s adaptive mechanisms. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to study heart rhythm regulation mechanisms in adolescents (Russians and Yakuts) permanently living in Northeast Russia. Materials and methods. Heart rate variability (HRV) parameters were evaluated in adolescents (native Yakuts and second-generation Russian newcomers to Yakutsk) aged 14–15 years (mean age 14.34 ± 0.17 years) studying at the secondary schools of Yakutsk. Results. We found an increase in the share of the very low frequency spectrum in the total HRV spectrum in Russian girls and boys (48.8 and 47.5 %, respectively) and in Yakut boys (47.9 %), which indicates an increased activity of neurohumoral regulation of metabolic processes in adolescents due to the extreme climatic and geographical conditions. Moreover, some ethnic features of heart rate regulation were identified. Unlike their Russian peers, Yakut adolescents showed statistically significant sex-related differences in HRV (p < 0.01): in boys the autonomic balance is shifted towards the sympathetic division, the power of the highfrequency spectrum is decreased, and the stress index is increased. HRV spectral power parameters in the remaining groups correspond to the average age norm and indicate a favourable course of adaptation processes with a high level of the body’s mobilization and restorative potential.
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