Modeling of Critical Local Deformations of Growing Tree Bark under Wind Loads
wind load on a tree, wind load on a plantation, wind load impact on wood quality, bark deformations, target forest cultivation, modeling of deformationsAbstract
The interaction between wind loads and forest plantations has been fairly well understood. A large amount of valuable scientific and practical information has been obtained and published so far in this field. There are some known data on wind load damage to plantations, its effect on their growth, and the ability of forest plantations to reduce wind speed and force. Nevertheless, the issues of wind impact on both individual trees and forested areas remain relevant. Analysis of the literature and Internet resources showed that the research has left out the issue of the wind load impact on the grown wood quality. Multi-year observations and a wind rose created using these observations enable the determination of the prevailing wind strength and direction for each area. Knowing the features of the wind load impact on the quality of timber after logging, it is possible to predict the percentage of the yield of commercial and low-quality wood, and to purposefully influence this parameter in plantation forest growing by setting out the planting material in accordance with these data. The article shows the developed method for theoretical estimation of the probability of occurrence of critical bark deformations in the compressed zone, which appears when bending a growing tree due to wind load. Classical studies of the critical state of compressed rods on an elastic base were used as the theoretical basis of the method. A part of growing tree bark plays the role of a rod, while cambium and other living cells between the bark and the trunk wood play the role of the elastic base. A correlation simple enough for practical application is proposed in order to obtain quantitative estimates. Adequacy of the modeling results is confirmed by their consistency with the experimental data. The application of the developed methodology is shown on the examples.
Acknowledgements: The authors gratefully acknowledge the valuable insights and comments made by colleagues at the Scientific School “Innovations in Logging Industry and Forestry” in the preparation of this paper.
For citation: Kolesnikov G.N., Grigoreva O.I., Grigorev I.V., Makuev V.A., Storodubtseva T.N., Shvetsova V.V. Modeling of Critical Local Deformations of Growing Tree Bark under Wind Loads. Lesnoy Zhurnal = Russian Forestry Journal, 2022, no. 5, pp. 100–113. (In Russ.).
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