Mathematical Justification of Vehicular Traffic Resistance in Relation to Structural Surface Conditions of Hauling Roads
trafic resistance, rolling resistance, strength of pavement, road component, load of road structure, hauling roads, traction-operational calculations for timber transportationAbstract
The currently available methods for evaluating technical-operational characteristics and conditions of hauling roads are time- consuming. Although, they provide a sufficiently accurate description of the conditions of certain road components. Furthermore, they give the possibilities to identify ways for elimination of the constructional defects and determine the work extent to correct them. A peculiarity of forestry production is the simultaneous exploitation of a branching transport network with different types of subsidiary hauling roads, which depends on weather conditions, change of logging locations, traffic intensity, and other factors. Therefore, the available methods, which clarify the relationships between the traffic resistance and strength of the road construction, are poorly usable for rapid estimation of the technical and operational conditions in renovation planning. The purpose of the study is to improve the methodological fundamentals of traction-operational calculations for timber transportation according to the constructional state of the hauling roads. It has been determined that the calculation of the rolling resistance must include the factor of structural deformation. It is influenced by the modulus of elasticity for the surface structural materials. The resulting relationship makes it possible to increase the accuracy of traction-operational calculations at the project phase of the hauling road building. It can be included into the target function for comparing alternatives in the case of optional project planning. The mathematical aspect in the evaluation of the traffic resistance gives an opportunity to use this parameter as an indirect characteristic of the constructional strength of a road, as well as it can be a comprehensive qualitative indicator of the condition of a pavement.
For citation: Prokopets V.S., Kozlov V.G., Skrypnikov A.V., Ponomareva N.G., Levushkin D.M., Borovlev Yu.A. Mathematical Justification of Vehicular Traffic Resistance in Relation to Structural Surface Conditions of Hauling Roads. Lesnoy Zhurnal = Russian Forestry Journal, 2023, no. 2, pp. 106−120. (In Russ.).
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