The Conservation of Plant Species Diversity in Forest Management in the Key Biotopes of the Vologda Region




biodiversity, stationary site, forest management, key biotope, temporary watercourse, stand, live ground cover, plant species


A reduction in the number of biological species can cause a loss of the integrity of the biosphere and its ability to maintain the most important characteristics of the natural environment. Therefore, scientific research and the development of practical recommendations in the field of conservation of biological diversity in forest management are currently of particular relevance. Measures to preserve biodiversity in forest management are reflected in the rules of timber harvesting, forestry regulations of forestries and forest development projects. The conservation of biological diversity in the course of logging operations is provided by allocating key biotopes – forest plots of a certain area, especially significant as habitats for rare species of animals and plants. The analysis of the Red Book of the Vologda Region showed that 29 % of rare species are confined to forest areas along watercourses. The study has been conducted at stationary sites within the boundaries of the Vologda Forestry of the Vologda Region (the Southern taiga area of the European part of the Russian Federation), represented by clear cuttings of 2018–2019 with the preserved key biotopes – forest areas along temporary water bodies. The average values for the plantations have been obtained on the basis of the materials from allotment and taxation of the cutting areas before felling. The work has been based on silvicultural and taxation, as well as ecological and biological methods of field evaluation and desk assessment. During the field studies (2023) in the key biotopes, a tally has been carried out by tree species, their diameters at chest height and categories of sanitary condition, with the determination of the average taxation indicators of the stands. The soils and the botanical composition of the live ground cover have been described. The species diversity and abundance of plant species in the key biotopes, as well as in the adjacent areas – in the cuttings and in the stands – have been determined. A higher number of species of taiga flora and the presence of rare plant species in the key biotopes, in contrast to the cuttings, have been established, which indicates the need to preserve the key biotopes during logging operations. Within the boundaries of the key biotopes studied, the average number of plant species in the buffer zone exceeds the number of species in the core of the biotope, the differences are statistically significant. Therefore, in the process of
allotment of cutting areas, in addition to the allocation of the central part, or the core of the biotope, it is necessary to preserve a buffer zone as the area with the largest number of species.


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Author Biographies

Dmitriy V. Belyakov, Northern Research Institute of Forestry, Vologda Regional Laboratory

Postgraduate Student; ResearcherID: AAX-2399-2021

Oleg A. Konyushatov, Northern Research Institute of Forestry, Vologda Regional Laboratory

Candidate of Agriculture, Assoc. Prof.; ResearcherID: JEZ-9194-2023

Sergey A. Korchagov, Northern Research Institute of Forestry, Vologda Regional Laboratory

Doctor of Agriculture, Prof.; ResearcherID: HLQ-4954-2023

Sergey E. Gribov, Northern Research Institute of Forestry, Vologda Regional Laboratory

Candidate of Agriculture, Assoc. Prof.; ResearcherID: AAY-2692-2021


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How to Cite

Belyakov Д., Konyushatov О., C. Korchagov, and C. Gribov. “The Conservation of Plant Species Diversity in Forest Management in the Key Biotopes of the Vologda Region”. Lesnoy Zhurnal (Forestry Journal), no. 2, Apr. 2024, pp. 189-00, doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2024-2-189-200.




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