Forestry Measures in Shelterbelts of the Krasnodar Territory
forest belt design, shelterbelt, forestry measures, tree species, reclamation, reclamation efficiency, the Krasondar TerritoryAbstract
In the process of growth and development of forest belts, some of their taxation characteristics and design change. Forest reclamation complexes are subject to homeostasis. Changing the design of shelterbelts leads to crop shortages, loss of profits for agricultural organizations, as well as to the deterioration of the ecology of field soils. A way out of this situation can be found in the application of a system of measures, an important part of which is forestry measures. The aim of the research has been to determine the timing and types of forestry measures aimed at improving the agro-ecological efficiency of protective forest reclamation complexes on agricultural lands of the Krasnodar Territory. Data from the 2019 inventory of protective forest plantations and data obtained by the authors in 2015–2021 in the Kushchevskij and Leningradskij Districts of the Krasnodar Territory have been used. According to the data obtained, graphs of the dependence of stock on the age and height have been constructed for some tree species of field protection forest reclamation complexes. It has been established that in the study area the largest number of areas of shelterbelts have a dense structure – 538.5 ha, and 501.7 ha of them are trees of the III age class. A significant increase in the stock of plantations has been noted at the age of: Robinia pseudoacacia L. – 15 years, Fraxinus excelsior L. – 25 years, Gleditsia triacanthos L. – 10 years, Ulmus pumila L. – 35 years. The equations of the regressional dependence of stock on the age and height for the main tree species have been obtained. These equations can be used to predict the timing of forestry measures in order to maintain the openwork design of forest belts recommended for the region under study.
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