Potential Assessment of Spruce Stands for the Development of Forest Plantations by Silvicultural Methods in the Southern Taiga Region of the European Part of Russia


  • А. И. Чудецкий Central European Forest Experimental Station, prosp. Mira, 134, Kostroma, 156013, Russian Federation https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4804-7759
  • С. С. Багаев Central European Forest Experimental Station, prosp. Mira, 134, Kostroma, 156013, Russian Federation




forest plantations, silvicultural methods, spruce, origin, improvement thinning, target assortment, sawlog, pulpwood


The article presents the results of studies on the potential assessment of spruce plantations of different origin for the development of forest plantations by silvicultural methods in order to obtain target assortment in the southern taiga region of the European part of Russia. The analysis of spruce plantations of different age and natural and artificial origin, taking into account the features of site conditions in the south-western part of Kostroma region, is given. In spruce stands of artificial origin at the age of 20…40 years without improvement thinning or with thinning intensity up to 20 % the proportion of deciduous species can reach up to 2–4 units. The share of softwood species is not more than 2 units in plantations at the age of 45–60 years. Carrying out tending of spruce crops and natural stands of softwood species formed on the felling site with viable undergrowth will allow the formation of pure and mixed plantations of accelerated cultivation. Types of stands which are the most promising for the formation by improvement thinning of plantations for the advanced growth of spruce target assortment under forest site conditions of the southern taiga forest region of the European part of Russia were selected. The potential assessment of forest plantation formation in different forest site conditions for dark coniferous forest growing was carried out based on the stand assortment structure of trial plots. Spruce forests of artificial origin have a greater volume of industrial wood including sawlog in comparison with spruce forests of natural origin. The yield of target assortment in natural stands decreases with the increase of stand age. It is advisable to carry out improvement thinning (mainly in the sorrel family), due to the limited amount of spruce undergrowth under plantation canopy and the significant share of natural regeneration of hardwood species. The conventional plantation spruce crops, which were created earlier, need intensive thinning.

For citation: Chudetsky A.I., Bagaev S.S. Potential Assessment of Spruce Stands for the Development of Forest Plantations by Silvicultural Methods in the Southern Taiga Region of the European Part of Russia. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 2, pp. 22–31. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.2.22


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Author Biographies

А. И. Чудецкий, Central European Forest Experimental Station, prosp. Mira, 134, Kostroma, 156013, Russian Federation

Postgraduate Student, Leading Engineer

С. С. Багаев, Central European Forest Experimental Station, prosp. Mira, 134, Kostroma, 156013, Russian Federation

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Head of the Forestry Group


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How to Cite

Чудецкий, А. И., and С. С. Багаев. “Potential Assessment of Spruce Stands for the Development of Forest Plantations by Silvicultural Methods in the Southern Taiga Region of the European Part of Russia”. Lesnoy Zhurnal (Forestry Journal), no. 2, Apr. 2019, p. 22, doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2019-2-22.