Productivity and Environmental Role of Forest Shelterbelts of Robinia pseudoacacia L. of the Kuban Lowland




Robinia pseudoacacia L., forest shelterbelts, wood stock, aboveground phytomass, carbon sequestration


Works on protective afforestation are carried out in order to protect agricultural land from degradation processes, as well as to improve the microclimate of land. The research purpose is to study the bioproductivity and environmental role of Robinia pseudoacacia L. forest shelterbelts in the conditions of the Kuban lowland. The approved and generally accepted methods of forest valuation, forest land reclamation, botany, and mathematical statistics were applied. Plantings were created according to the standard technology for the steppe zone of the Russian Federation. The area of forest shelterbelts is 62.4 ths ha, including 5 % of the young growth (I state class), 80 % of middle-aged forest plantings (II state class), 10 %  of maturing plantings (II state class), 5 % of mature and overmature plantings (III state class). Living ground cover is formed by the following species: Koeleria pyramidata L., Poa pratensis L., Festuca pratensis H., Elytrígia repens L., Dactylis glomerata L., and Phlum pratense L. Aboveground phytomass is 100–300 g/m2; height is 25–32 cm. Plantings are characterized by the quality classes: young growth – I and II; middle-aged and maturing – III; mature and overmature – IV. At the age of natural maturity (70 years), the Robinia trunk reaches the average height of 15.1 m with the average diameter of 22.1 cm. The total stock of wood reaches 18, (ths m3), including (ths m3): young growth – 68 (ths m3); middleaged plantings – 14,871 (ths m3); maturing plantings – 2,187 (ths m3); mature and overmature plantings – 1,314 (ths m3). Aboveground phytomass in young growth is 20.2 t/ha; in mature and overmature plantings it is 391.2 t/ha. In the region it is estimated at 17,070 ths t, including (ths t): young growth – 64; middle-aged plantings – 13,753; maturing plantings – 2,032; mature and overmature plantings – 1,221. The share of stem mass reaches 84.5–80.8 %; woody greenery – 4.2–1.5 %; branches – 11.3–17.7 %. Recalculation coefficients of the stock into aboveground phytomass are the following for: young growth – 0.936; mature and overmature forest shelterbelts – 0.929. Phytosaturation of forest shelterbelts varies within 0.314–2.474 kg/m3. Forest shelterbelts have accumulated 8,534 ths t of carbon, which is estimated at 145.1 mln dollars. The sphere of application of the research results is the Krasnodar Krai forestry, which is recommended to create an additional 60 ths ha of forest shelterbelts, which will provide a normative protective forest cover of arable land of 5 % and annual carbon sequestration up to 3.4 t/ha.
For citation: Tanyukevich V.V., Rulev A.S., Borodychev V.V., Tyurin S.V., Khmeleva D.V., Kvasha A.A. Productivity and Environmental Role of Forest Shelterbelts of Robinia pseudoacacia L. of the Kuban Lowland. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2020, no. 6, pp. 88–97. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2020-6-88-97


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Author Biographies

В. В. Танюкевич, Don State Agrarian University

Doctor of Agriculture, Prof.

А. С. Рулев, Federal Research Center of Agroecology

Doctor of Agriculture, Academician of RAS

В. В. Бородычев, All-Russian Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation named after A.N. Kostyakov

Doctor of Agriculture, Academician of RAS, RF Honored Scientist

С. В. Тюрин, Don State Agrarian University

Postgraduate Student

Д. В. Хмелева, Don State Agrarian University

Postgraduate Student

А. А. Кваша, Don State Agrarian University

Postgraduate Student


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How to Cite

Танюкевич, В. В., А. С. Рулев, В. В. Бородычев, С. В. Тюрин, Д. В. Хмелева, and А. А. Кваша. “Productivity and Environmental Role of Forest Shelterbelts of Robinia Pseudoacacia L. Of the Kuban Lowland”. Lesnoy Zhurnal (Forestry Journal), no. 6, Dec. 2020, pp. 88-97, doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2020-6-88-97.