Variability of Silvicultural Characteristics of Forest Shelterbelts in Krasnodar Krai




forest shelterbelts, forestry and land reclamation assessment, sanitary assessment, degree of integrity, shelterbelt design, remote assessment, ecological state


Modern shelterbelts of Krasnodar Krai do not fully protect arable land and often have different sanitary state. Under these conditions, the preservation of forest shelterbelts and their protective functions in the system of agroforestry and other complex continues to be relevant. The research was carried out in the main and auxiliary forest shelterbelts within the boundaries of the Ust-Labinsk district of Krasnodar Krai. The purpose of the research was to determine the ecological state of the forest shelterbelts by identifying their integrity and implementation of forestry and land reclamation assessment. In order to obtain more complete information on their state, a remote assessment of the tree canopy integrity of the shelterbelts was carried out. It follows from the remote assessment analysis that about 42.5 % of the area surveyed in the key plots of plantations has an average degree of integrity of tree canopy, high – 22.3 %, low and very low – 35.2 %. Lower indicators of the tree canopy integrity are observed in the auxiliary forest shelterbelts. The percentage participation of each group of forest shelterbelts allowed us to rank the ranges of integrity corresponding to a certain forestry and land reclamation assessment (units). The range of the tree canopy integrity from 0 to 25 % corresponds to grade 1, from 25 to 50 % – 2, from 50 to 70 % – 3, from 70 to 100 % – 4. Based on this, the shelterbelts were devided into 4 groups: norm, risk, crisis and disaster. The results of determining the ecological state of the forest shelterbelts by ground and remote methods in the Ust-Labinsk district of Krasnodar Krai showed that a significant part of the surveyed plantations has a dense structure and requires silvicultural care. The group of the forest shelterbelts “disaster” needs reconstruction. This will significantly improve the environmental condition and reclamation efficiency, as well as increase the service life of the systems of forest sheltebelts. 
For citation: Primakov N.V. Variability of Silvicultural Characteristics of Forest Shelterbelts in Krasnodar Krai. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2021, no. 1, pp. 60–68. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2021-1-60-68


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Author Biography

Н. В. Примаков, Kuban State University; Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin

Candidate of Agriculture, Assoc. Prof


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How to Cite

Примаков, Н. В. “Variability of Silvicultural Characteristics of Forest Shelterbelts in Krasnodar Krai”. Lesnoy Zhurnal (Forestry Journal), no. 1, Feb. 2021, pp. 60-68, doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2021-1-60-68.