Calculation Procedure of Machine Working Body Parameters for Rotary Cultivation of Forest Soils Layer by Layer
soil cultivation, rotary cultivation layer by layer, undercutting knife, rotors, layer shaking off, forest cropsAbstract
Machine for soil rotary cultivation layer by layer before forest crops planting is an attachment mechanism modularized with a track skidder equipped with power take-off system and a rearward suspended device. The feature of the described mechanism is primary soil preparation not exclusively by cutting, but by the means of shaking off a turfy layer cut from beneath with a subsurface cultivator; roots and grass are then removed out of the cultivated zone, thus preventing its recolonization by weeds. Growth of conifers planted on the bottom of furrows made in medium and heavy clay loam is severely decelerated, and significant abnormities in the morphology of seedlings are observed. Cultivation of soil having thin humus layer with standard forestry rotary cutters results in blending black mold with ash gray horizon, this makes cultivated soil less fertile. The design of machine for soil rotary cultivation layer by layer is suggested; methods of its computation, design, operating principles, and exploitation technology are given. The cultivated soil remains unblended, and its fertile layer is not removed, which improves the conditions for germination of seeds and favoring seedling growth. Substantiation of the machine parameters for soil preparation before forest crops planting makes it necessary to find the correlation between kinematic characteristics of active working bodies and the environment. The tasks of theoretical research included: choice of separating machine rotors arrangement curve; factor analysis of the process of soil layer separation with vibrating working bodies; calculation procedure of power input on undercutting the soil layer with a horizontal knife and its cutting off by the vertical pillars. The suggested technological process demands considerably less energy than traditional procedures. Usage of the machine for forest soil rotary cultivation layer by layer enhances the quality of reforestation works, and decreases its energy costs owing to implementation of a new technology.
For citation: Orlovskiy S.N. Calculation Procedure of Machine Working Body Parameters for Rotary Cultivation of Forest Soils Layer by Layer. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 3, pp. 97–109. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.3.97
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