The Nature of Total Power and Very Low Frequency Waves on the Interval Electrocardiogram from the Standpoint of the Human Body’s Adaptation to Motor Activity (Review)




athletes, adaptation to physical exertion, autonomic nervous system, heart rate variability, total power of the spectrum, power of VLF waves, non-neuronal acetylcholine, phases of the training year


It is known that heart rate variability (HRV), evaluated using interval electrocardiography (ECG), reflects the influence of the autonomic nervous system (АNS) and biologically active substances on cardiac activity. For this reason, interval ECG method is widely used in sports, as it reveals the mechanisms of human adaptation to motor activity. This article analyses data on the median values of the total power (TP) of the HRV spectrum and absolute and relative power of very low frequency (VLF) waves on the interval electrocardiogram in athletes recorded in the supine position. We chose these three indicators out of more than 30 others due to their informativeness and due to the debatable issue of the nature of VLF waves. Literature data and unpublished results of our studies allow us to conclude that the values of these indicators in athletes depend on a number of factors, including type of sports (being especially high in sports building aerobic endurance), level of athletic skill (being maximum in elite athletes) as well as volume and intensity of training. In elite skiers, the values of these three indicators tend to change in the course of the training year, increasing in the preparatory phase, staying at a high level or even increasing during the competitive phase, and decreasing in the transition phase, which is determined by the relevant dynamics of the training volume throughout the year. The authors believe that the increase in the values of these three HRV indicators points to the growing influence of the parasympathetic division of ANS and non-neuronal acetylcholine on cardiac activity under heavy training volumes. According to the authors, the values of these three indicators reflect the level of aerobic motor activity (the higher they are, the higher this activity).


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How to Cite

Kataev Д., Tsirkin В., Kishkina В., Trukhina С., & Trukhin А. (2023). The Nature of Total Power and Very Low Frequency Waves on the Interval Electrocardiogram from the Standpoint of the Human Body’s Adaptation to Motor Activity (Review). Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 11(1), 95–107.

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