Influence of the Author’s Method of Vibroacoustic Massage with Singing Bowls on the Results of Stabilometry




vibroacoustic massage, balance function, statokinetic stability, singing bowls, vibromassage, stabilometry


In the human population, statokinetic stability disorders are extremely common, although in the vast majority of cases they do not manifest themselves clinically. Such disorders can occur in the pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous systems as well as vestibular and musculoskeletal systems. In recent years, researchers have turned their attention to vibroacoustic massage with singing bowls as one of the methods used to improve the physiological functions of the human body. Of interest is the effect produced by vibroacoustic waves on the balance function, which is partly regulated by the vestibular system. A convenient, safe and objective way to assess the balance function is stabilometry, whose main parameters (length and area of the statokinesiogram, work, and centre of pressure sway velocity) directly reflect a person’s ability to keep the centre of mass in a relatively stable state. The purpose of this article was to study the influence of the author’s method of vibroacoustic massage with singing bowls on statokinetic stability, presented by stabilometric parameters. Materials and methods. The research was performed from November 2019 to March 2020 at the Urals State University of Physical Culture (Chelyabinsk). The subjects (n = 22) underwent a course of procedures according to the author’s method of vibroacoustic massage with singing bowls performed in line with the protocol of the state patent RU2687006C1 (author: Viktor O. Oguy). Stabilometric parameters were assessed before the course, immediately after the course and two weeks after the course using the ST-150 system (OOO Mera-TSP, Moscow) in the standard Romberg’s test and the combined Target Test. Results. It was established that this course of vibroacoustic massage with singing bowls provides a lasting improvement in energy efficiency index of posture control under complicated conditions as well as a temporary improvement in the balance function, which is manifested in increased statokinesiogram length and centre of pressure sway velocity in the Target Test with a fixed target.


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How to Cite

Oguy В. О., Sazonova Е. А., & Bykov Е. В. (2023). Influence of the Author’s Method of Vibroacoustic Massage with Singing Bowls on the Results of Stabilometry. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 11(4), 398–407.