Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Dual-Tasking (Review)




dual task, multitasking, cognitive-motor paradigm, neurophysiological mechanisms, electroencephalography, functional near-infrared spectroscopy


This review considers articles studying neural mechanisms of dual (cognitive-motor) tasks in healthy young and older people using electroencephalography (EEG) and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). A bibliometric network is presented showing the frequency of keywords (postural balance, gait, walking, neuropsychological tests, attention) used in publications and the associations between these keywords, as well as demonstrating the relevance of applying the cognitive-motor paradigm as a method for studying the neurophysiological mechanisms of dual-tasking. The design of the cognitive-motor dual-task paradigm used in the works varied greatly. The cognitive tasks included various computational-logical, spatial-figurative, auditory and verbal tasks as well as a modified version of a smartphone game. As motor tasks, static (stand, tandem stand) and dynamic (stand on a dynamic platform, treadmill walking, walking under the actual conditions of outside environment) tasks were used. Spatial and frequency distribution of brain activation when performing various types of cognitive and motor tasks was considered. Frontal cortical haemodynamic correlates of dual-tasking were demonstrated. Possible interpretations of research results proposed by the authors of the articles under study were indicated. The conclusions demonstrate that the actual set of tasks used in the experiment plays an essential role in the way the dual task will be processed. Dual-tasking involves activating executive functions that coordinate information processing in each task (cognitive or motor). The dual-task paradigm can be used as a model to investigate and evaluate executive functions, attention, working memory and postural control.


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How to Cite

Strel’nikova Е. В., Kashirina М. А., & Kantserova А. О. (2024). Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Dual-Tasking (Review). Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 12(3), 368–382.