Morphometric Characteristics of the Heart in Children Aged 7–10 Years Living in the Arkhangelsk Region
children of the Arkhangelsk Region, primary school age, echocardiography, heart morphometry, body surface area, body mass indexAbstract
The purpose of this paper was to determine the morphometric characteristics of the heart in 7–10-year-old children living in the Arkhangelsk Region in relation to their physical development parameters. Materials and methods. The research was performed in Vyzhletsov Arkhangelsk Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital. Using echocardiography, we studied the morphometric parameters of 990 children of both sexes aged between 7 and 10 years without cardiovascular pathologies and collected their anthropometric data. Results. With the relative stability of the processes of morphofunctional maturation at this stage of ontogenesis, both sexand age-related structural features of the heart were detected. The largest number of sex-related differences was found for children aged 8 years, and they were associated with greater values of cardiac parameters in boys compared to girls. Sеx-related differences in the width of the major vessels get levelled out by the age of 10. Parameters of physical development naturally increase with age, evenly over the years; sexual dimorphism is not pronounced. The total increase in anthropometric values from 7 to 10 years in boys and girls was: 12.67 % and 14.10 % for body length, 38.68 % and 40.66 % for body weight, and 24.21 % and 27.17 % for body surface area (BSA), respectively. The most consistent and unidirectional age-related changes concern BSA, which demonstrates a significant correlation with cardiac morphology, especially in late prepuberty. The greatest stability in reflecting the share of variation in echocardiogram parameters in all age and sex groups has BSA calculated by the Mosteller formula. The left heart in boys starts to enlarge from 8 to 10 years, while in girls, between 9 and 10 years. Factor analysis showed an increase in the contribution of physical development parameters to the dispersion of morphological characteristics of the heart with age.
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