Retrospective Assessment of the Health Status of Primary School Children Studying at the “Gymnasium” Educational Institution in Arzamas (Nizhny Novgorod Region)




health of primary school children, medical records analysis, heath status, physical education group, disease prevalence


The purpose of this article was to assess the health status of primary school-age children who attended the “Gymnasium” municipal budgetary general education institution in Arzamas in 2014–2019. Materials and methods. A total of 1464 medical charts of firstto fourth-formers (in 2014–2019), of which 629 were boys and 835 were girls, were studied. Their health status and physical education groups were determined, their main diseases were identified. The number of children examined was 238 in 2014, 232 in 2015, 237 in 2016, 245 in 2017, 252 in 2018, and 260 in 2019. Results. The analysis of children’s medical records revealed their health conditions, which were divided into the following groups: 1) gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, gastroduodenitis); 2) eye diseases (myopia); 3) musculoskeletal diseases (scoliosis); 4) respiratory diseases (bronchial asthma, bronchitis). It is demonstrated that the most prevalent were musculoskeletal diseases (found in 528 subjects), the largest number being recorded among firstand second-formers. Every year this number had been increasing and reached its peak in 2019. It was established that over the six years, the proportion of healthy children had remained low, decreasing from 20 % in 2014 to 6 % in 2019. Moreover, the number of children partly or completely restricted from physical education classes due to medical conditions had been growing throughout the period under study. The results indicate the need for comprehensive measures to maintain and improve the health of primary school children, including at educational institutions.


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How to Cite

Saburtsev С. . (2023). Retrospective Assessment of the Health Status of Primary School Children Studying at the “Gymnasium” Educational Institution in Arzamas (Nizhny Novgorod Region). Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 11(3), 321–328.