Psychophysiological Components of Functional Readiness of Athletes with Musculoskeletal Disorders Doing Various Types of Training




psychophysiological parameters, athlete’s functional readiness, focus of physical activity, athletes with musculoskeletal disorders, adaptation to physical load


Athletes’ optimal functional readiness during the main competitions is key to good results both in Olympic and Paralympic sports. Functional readiness is ensured at different levels, including psychophysiological. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the psychophysiological sphere of athletes with musculoskeletal disorders doing various types of exercises during the specific preparatory phase of the annual training cycle. Materials and methods. The study involved 54 athletes of both sexes with various musculoskeletal disorders. All the subjects were doing regular physical activity of 16 to 20 h per week. The length of training was 5.4 ± 1.2 years, mean age was 27.4 ± 4.1 years. The tests were conducted during the specific preparatory phase of the annual training cycle, before training, after a day of rest (from 9 to 10 am). The psychomotor response to stimuli of various modalities and the properties of the nervous system, as well as chronobiological parameters and the level of trait anxiety were studied. Results. The research found that the parameters of psychomotor response in athletes with musculoskeletal disorders generally have the same direction and specific features as in healthy athletes specializing in a similar sport. However, these parameters are lower in athletes with musculoskeletal disorders than in their healthy counterparts. During the specific preparatory phase, all athletes with musculoskeletal disorders, regardless of the type of physical activity, showed signs of stress in their adaptation systems. The minimum level of psychophysiological stress of the adaptation mechanisms ensuring adequate activation of the body’s resources was noted in athletes having dynamic loads of high intensity in their training process. Athletes with musculoskeletal disorders having predominantly static loads in combination with a low volume of dynamic loads in their training show signs of overstrain of the adaptation systems.


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How to Cite

Kalsina В. В. (2025). Psychophysiological Components of Functional Readiness of Athletes with Musculoskeletal Disorders Doing Various Types of Training. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 13(1), 35–43.