Physiological Effects of Using a Complex Preparation Based on Royal Jelly and Propolis in Pulmonary Oedema in Rats




propolis, royal jelly, Apingalin, endogenous intoxication, pulmonary oedema, inhalation therapy


This paper aimed to study the physiological effects of inhalation therapy using Apingalin (based on royal jelly and propolis) in experimental pulmonary oedema in rats. The research involved 120 Wistar albino rats that were divided into 3 groups: intact; control (with pulmonary oedema induced by 0.5 mg/kg adrenaline); experimental (with induced pulmonary oedema followed by a 10-minute inhalation of Apingalin during the course of 10 days). In the blood serum of the control group of rats, a decrease in the activity of aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT) was detected; the ratio of albumin to globulin fractions decreased; the concentrations of creatinine, Na+ and K+ ions increased, compared to the intact animals. In the urine of the control group, no statistically significant changes in the concentration of Na+ were found; the concentration of K+ was lower than that in the intact rats. An elevated content of medium-weight molecules on erythrocytes and in the plasma was recorded, as well as decreased concentrations of these molecules in the urine of the control group, compared with the intact animals. After a course of Apingalin inhalations, the rats in the experimental group demonstrated normalized activity of AST and ALT in the blood; the concentrations of creatinine in the blood as well as Na+ and K+ in the blood and urine were restored to the levels of the intact rats. In addition, the experimental group showed a decrease in the content of medium-weight molecules on erythrocytes and in the blood plasma, as well as a significant increase in the concentration of medium-weight molecules in the urine, compared with the control. Thus, a course of Apingalin inhalations in experimental pulmonary oedema in rats reduces the level of endogenous intoxication. This opens up wide prospects for its use in pulmonology.
For citation: Kopylova S.V., Anashkina A.A., Erlykina E.I. Physiological Effects of Using a Complex Preparation Based on Royal Jelly and Propolis in Pulmonary Oedema in Rats. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2021, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 16–24. DOI: 10.37482/2687-1491-Z039


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How to Cite

Копылова C. В., Анашкина, А. А., & Ерлыкина, Е. И. (2021). Physiological Effects of Using a Complex Preparation Based on Royal Jelly and Propolis in Pulmonary Oedema in Rats. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 9(1), 16–24.