Concentration of Certain Trace Elements in the Soils of Dagestan Lowlands and Its Medical and Ecological Significance




trace element content in the soil, cobalt, copper, zinc, manganese, endocrine diseases, neurological disorders, correlation coefficient


Neurological and endocrine diseases, being widespread and producing significant impact on peopleʼs health as well as increasing the risk of disability of the working population (thus burdening the state budget), remain a most important medical and economic problem today. The study aimed to establish a link between these pathologies and the content of trace elements (cobalt, copper, zinc and manganese) in the soils of Dagestan plains. The concentration of active forms of cobalt, copper, zinc and manganese in the soil was established using the atomic absorption spectrophotometer model 170-70 (Hitachi, Japan) at the Biogeochemistry Laboratory of the Caspian Institute of Biological Resources, Dagestan Federal Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences. To determine the morbidity rate in the population, we turned to the data of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan. The study revealed that the relevant pathologies in Dagestanʼs population, leading to disability, are caused by the trace element composition of the soil. Having compared the data on the content of cobalt, copper, zinc and manganese in the soils of the republicʼs lowland districts (Kizilyurt, Khasavyurt, Babayurt) and the prevalence of endocrine and neurological pathologies, we found a high correlation. The number of patients was in direct proportion to the content of manganese and in inverse proportion to the content of cobalt, copper and zinc. However, in Kizlyar District endocrine pathologies only correlated with zinc in the soil, which, apparently, can be explained by the local diet, fish products playing an important role, and by the fact that the territory is often flooded with coastal waters, changing the elementsʼ concentration in the soil.
For citation: Ibnumaskhudova P.M., Kazanbieva P.D., Magomedova U.A., Abdurazakova Kh.N., Surkhaeva Z.Z., Ibragimova S.S. Concentration of Certain Trace Elements in the Soils of Dagestan Lowlands and Its Medical and Ecological Significance. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2021, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 69–76. DOI: 10.37482/2687- 1491-Z045


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How to Cite

Ибнумасхудова, П. М., Казанбиева, П. Д., Магомедова, У. А., Абдуразакова, Х. Н., Сурхаева, З. З., & Ибрагимова, С. С. (2021). Concentration of Certain Trace Elements in the Soils of Dagestan Lowlands and Its Medical and Ecological Significance. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 9(1), 69–76.