Influence of Sleep–Wake Patterns on the Body’s Adaptive Capabilities During Antarctic Wintering




polar wintering, Antarctic station staff, regulatory and adaptive capabilities, sleep pattern, workload, weather conditions


This article studies the influence of the sleep pattern (duration of uninterrupted sleep and rhythm of sleep periods) on the condition of the body’s adaptive resources during a year-round stay at a research station in Antarctica. We compared two cases that coincide in most parameters of daily life   (living conditions, influence of environmental factors, level of social contacts, anthropometric data, and health status), but differ in terms of day regimen due to work activities. To assess the body’s adaptive capabilities, the index of regulatory and adaptive status (IRAS) was used, calculated by parameters obtained by the method of cardio-respiratory synchronism. The first subject (a radio operator) showed IRAS dynamics coinciding with deterioration and improvement of environmental conditions (daylight hours, weather conditions) affecting the Antarctic station staff, which was a predicted result. The second subject (a meteorologist) demonstrated a fundamentally different dynamics of the body’s adaptive capabilities: during deterioration of environmental conditions, the body’s adaptive resources increased due to lower work intensity and, as a result, a significant improvement in the sleep pattern. IRAS dynamics showed that the amount and quality of sleep has a more significant impact on human health than adverse weather conditions (storms). This opens up a wide range of opportunities to compensate for unavoidable adverse environmental conditions and help to preserve, as much as possible, the capacity for work in members of polar expeditions during wintering, as sudden decompensation can cause disruption to ongoing programmes at the research station.
For citation: Dey V.A., Polishchuk S.V., Pokrovskiy V.M. Influence of Sleep–Wake Patterns on the Body’s Adaptive Capabilities During Antarctic Wintering. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2021, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 138–144. DOI: 10.37482/2687-1491-Z051


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How to Cite

Дей, В. А., Полищук, С. В., & Покровский, В. М. (2021). Influence of Sleep–Wake Patterns on the Body’s Adaptive Capabilities During Antarctic Wintering. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 9(2), 138–144.