Effect of a Succinate-Containing Drug on the Blood Leukocyte Composition in Rats at Rest and During a Weight-Loaded Forced Swimming Test
rats, white blood cells, physical load, succinate-containing drug, redistribution of the blood cell compositionAbstract
This paper studied the dynamics of the blood leukocyte composition in Wistar male rats at rest and when swimming with a weight before and after being administered a succinate-containing drug (Suc,
meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid). Two control groups of animals kept in standard vivarium conditions were selected: those that received Suc 12 hours before the examination (VivC+Suc) and those that did
not receive it (VivC). Similarly, two groups of animals were formed that were swimming with a load (4 % of their body weight) to exhaustion: those that received the drug 12 hours before the test (Swim4%+Suc) and those that did not receive it (Swim4%). Unidirectional shifts characterizing the morphofunctional state of white blood cells under experimental conditions were detected. In VivC+Suc animals, compared to VivC, we found an increase in the number of leukocytes due to the growing number of eosinophils and monocytes, large lymphocytes and microlymphocytes with a relative decrease in the number of small lymphocytes and an unchanged level of granulocytes with a tendency towards a decrease in the number of stab neutrophils. In the Swim4%+Suc group, compared to the Swim4%, changes in the number of white blood cells and their subpopulation composition manifested themselves in a similar way to the redistribution of immunocytes identified in the control groups. The increase in the neutrophilto-lymphocyte ratio in the Swim4%+Suc group as an indicator of stress tolerance corresponded to the increase in the swimming time of rats by the factor of 2.8. The differences in the blood cell composition between the VivC+Suc and VivC groups are viewed as the influence of Suc on the body’s preparation to the fulfilment of the protective function under physical load, since the distribution pattern of the blood leukocyte composition in rats from the VivC+Suc group is very similar to that of the Swim4%+Suc group. The practical significance of this study is associated with the search for new biologically active substances that optimally influence the immune system of animals under increased load. New data on the mechanism of blood redistribution in animals under the action of Suc before the swimming test can be used to study the manifestation patterns of acute adaptation effect.
For citation: Rubtsova L.Yu., Mongalev N.P., Vakhnina N.A., Shadrina V.D., Chupakhin O.N., Boyko E.R. Effect of a Succinate-Containing Drug on the Blood Leukocyte Composition in Rats at Rest and During a Weight-Loaded Forced Swimming Test. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2021, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 182–191. DOI: 10.37482/2687-1491-Z056
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