Risk of Endothelial Dysfunction and Total Antioxidant Capacity in Seafarers During an Arctic Voyage





marine medicine, endothelial dysfunction, endothelin-1, total antioxidant capacity, translatitudinal voyage, Arctic


Among other areas of research, clinical medicine studies the adaptation mechanisms of the vascular endothelium to the extreme conditions of the Arctic. This paper dwells on the possible relationship of the development of endothelial dysfunction and the antioxidant system with modifiable risk factors during a short translatitudinal voyage in the Arctic. The study involved 32 crew members of the research vessel Mikhail Somov during the TransArctic–2019 research expedition. Venous blood sampling was carried out before the voyage at the zero point (Arkhangelsk, 64°33’N 40°32’E) and at the highest point of the expedition (Hayes Island, 80°34’N 57°41’E). Endothelin-1 concentration and serum total  antioxidant capacity were determined using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. We found statistically significant differences (Student’s t-test: t = –3.6532; df = 31; p < 0.001) in endothelin-1 concentration at the zero point (4.79 ± 2.10 pg/ml) and high point (7.02 ± 2.42 pg/ml), which indicates
vasoconstriction, i.e. the first signs of the formation of vascular endothelium maladaptation. In 84.4 % of the crew members at the high point we detected high total antioxidant capacity, which can indicate compensation of antioxidant defence mechanisms. Noteworthy, serum total antioxidant capacity in smokers was statistically significantly higher than in non-smokers. Moreover, the predominance of high antioxidant activity among the crew members points to an increased oxidative load on the sailors’ body having to neutralize the excess amount of reactive oxygen species.
For citation: Vorob’eva N.A., Vorob’eva A.I., Marusiy A.A. Risk of Endothelial Dysfunction and Total Antioxidant Capacity in Seafarers During an Arctic Voyage. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2021, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 192–200. DOI: 10.37482/2687-1491-Z057


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How to Cite

Воробьева, Н. А., Воробьева, А. И., & Марусий, А. А. (2021). Risk of Endothelial Dysfunction and Total Antioxidant Capacity in Seafarers During an Arctic Voyage. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 9(2), 192–200. https://doi.org/10.37482/2687-1491-Z057

