Cold Conditioning of Adolescents Aged 15–16 Years in an Educational Institution
exposure to contrasting temperatures, mobile bath, 15–16-year-old adolescents, adaptive potential, cold conditioning, cold preventionAbstract
This paper analysed the results of morning preventive activities based on exposure to contrasting temperatures in combination with physical exercises in an educational institution. The study involved 18 adolescent boys aged 15–16 years. Preventive activities were performed three times a week and included certain stages. Selection criteria were developed for the conditioning group and admission to the conditioning activities. Anthropometric and physiometric indicators as well as the number of common cold cases during the year were analysed. We found that preventive measures including exposure to
contrasting temperatures produced no effect on the natural physiological processes in this age group. At the same time, the common cold incidence rate decreased by 30 % in the conditioning group.
For citation: Kolyvanova S.S., Lepunova O.N., Fisher T.A. Cold Conditioning of Adolescents Aged 15–16 Years in an Educational Institution. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2021, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 343–347. DOI: 10.37482/2687-1491-Z072
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