Changes in the Adrenal Medulla of Maral Does During the Year




adrenal glands, structure of adrenal medulla, maral, epinephrine, norepinephrine, functional activity, seasonal changes


This paper dwells on the histological structure and karyometric parameters of the adrenal medulla of non-pregnant maral does throughout the year. It was found that in autumn the synthetic activity of norepinephrine-producing cells in non-pregnant maral does is the lowest in relation to other seasons of the year. Having compared our results with the literature data, we identified sex-related differences in the activity of glandular cells of the adrenal medulla, which indicates different mechanisms of metabolic regulation in bucks and does during spring (period of active horn growth in bucks) and different levels of stress in autumn (period of sexual reproduction).


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2022-02-22 — Updated on 2022-02-22

How to Cite

Gribanova, O. G., Goryacheva, M. V., Mikheeva, O. O., & Motina, N. V. (2022). Changes in the Adrenal Medulla of Maral Does During the Year. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 10(1), 73–77.