Life Expectancy and Winter Hardiness of Introduced Woody Plants in the Dry-Steppe Zone of Khakassia




arboretum, introduced woody plants, introduced shrubs, dry conditions, winter hardiness, life expectancy, Republic of Khakassia, sustainability


The introduction of woody plants began in Siberia in the middle of the 18th century. We aimed at determining the limiting factors affecting the life expectancy and winter hardiness of introduced plants of different geographical origin in the dry-steppe zone of the Republic of Khakassia. The research objects of were plants of different geographical origin and age, growing in the arboretum of the Research Institute of Agricultural Problems of Khakassia. Long-term studies have identified the plants with the highest life expectancy from the flora of Siberia, such as Larix sibirica Ledeb., Pinus sylvestris L., Caragana frutex (L.) C. Koch.; trees from the flora of other regions, such as Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim., Crataegus maximowiczii Schneid., Salix babylonica L., Larix leptolepis (Sieb. et Zucc.) Gord., Morus alba L., Acer Semenovii Rgl. et Herd., A. tataricum L., Fraxinus lanceolata Borkh., A. negundo L. and shrubs, such as Corylus heterophylla Fisch. ex Trautv., Berberis tibetica Schneid., B. sphaerocarpa Kar. et Kir., Philadelphus caucasicus Koehne, Syringa Josikaea Jacq., S. vulgaris L., Eleagnus argentea Pursh. The majority of winter-resistant species are of Siberian (80 % of them are hardy) and Far Eastern (60 %) origin. The main limiting factors affecting the life expectancy of Siberian plants are found: low winter hardiness and noncompliance of edaphic conditions with the biology of the studied species; for non-regional species (in addition to the above mentioned) – low atmospheric humidity during flowering and early completion of the life cycle. The dependence of plant resistance in dry conditions on its geographical origin and ecological group has been found. The most adapted to local conditions of the dry-steppe zone of the Republic of Khakassia were representatives of Siberian and Far East flora.


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Author Biographies

Galina N. Gordeeva, Life Expectancy and Winter Hardiness of Introduced Woody Plants in the Dry-Steppe Zone of Khakassia

Candidate of Biology; ResearcherID: AAH-2491-2021

Anatoly I. Lobanov, Research Institute of Agricultural Problems of Khakassia

Candidate of Biology; ResearcherID: ABB-8764-2020


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How to Cite

Gordeeva Г., and Lobanov А. . “Life Expectancy and Winter Hardiness of Introduced Woody Plants in the Dry-Steppe Zone of Khakassia”. Lesnoy Zhurnal (Forestry Journal), no. 3, June 2022, pp. 73-90, doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2022-3-73-90.

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