Analysis of Wind Load Effect on Greenhouse Frame for Cultivation Seedlings with Closed Root System
reforestation, greenhouse, closed roof system, seedlings with closed root system, solid modeling, stress and strain analysis, CAD software, Krasnoyarsk KraiAbstract
Reforestation is one of the priorities of the state policy of the Russian Federation. Artificial recreation of forests, including a closed root system seedling cultivation technology, has shown its high efficiency in the conditions where natural recovery didn’t develop at the proper extent, especially in the areas affected by large-scale clearcuts and crown fires. Despite the high cost of the closed root system seedling cultivation technology, it is economically viable due to the high survival rate of the plants and the possibility to carry out the planting process over a long period of time. The industrial greenhouses are used for this technology and their construction engineering must consider the influence of external stress, including wind load that depends on the territorial location of the structure. The purpose of the study is to justify the construction characteristics of a greenhouse frame with a sufficient strength for the cultivation of seedlings with the closed root system. The object of the study is a rigid frame model of the greenhouse. The study was performed in the climate conditions of the Krasnoyarsk Krai. The stress and strain analyss are made on the greenhouse construction elements under the conditions of their own weight and wind load using the method for solid modelling. The principal and the peak loads, the dimensions of the most stained areas, the influence of the wind load in these regions are calculated by applying the finite element algorithm for stress analysis simulated in a CAD software. The recommendations for the optimization of the structure are given.
For citation: Chernik D.V., Avdeeva E.V., Chernik K.N., Rovnykh N.L. Analysis of Wind Load Effect on Greenhouse Frame for Cultivation Seedlings with Closed Root System. Lesnoy Zhurnal = Russian Forestry Journal, 2023, no. 2, pp. 195–201. (In Russ.).
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Copyright (c) 2023 Д.В. Черник, Е.В. Авдеева, К.Н. Черник, Н.Л. Ровных (Автор)
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