Abrasive Tools Made of Spherical Corundum in Wood Working
spherical corundum, spherical corundum abrasive wheels, abrasive grains, intragrain space, surface intragrain space, wood sandingAbstract
In the manufacture of hard abrasive tools for sanding wood and wood-based materials, spherical corundum is an effective material. The use of spherical corundum abrasive wheels makes it possible to increase the productivity of wood sanding, as well as to expand the application area of hard abrasive tools by reducing tool loading and eliminating burns of the treated surface. In order to substantiate the rational conditions of application of abrasive wheels made of spherical corundum it is necessary to determine the dependences linking the surface geometric parameters of the wheel, which directly influence the cutting, with the volume characteristics regulated by the formulation: grain size, content of abrasive grain and binder. The dependencies allow us to assess the nature and degree of influence of tool factors on the distance between the cutting elements of the operating surface of the spherical corundum wheel. The distance between abrasive grains on the wheel surface exceeds the distance between the walls of the abrasive grain in the vast majority of possible ratios of volume characteristics. The greatest influence on the surface geometric parameters has the size of abrasive grains. As it increases, the surface geometric dimensions grow, with a very sharp increase in the distance between abrasive grains on the wheel surface. The second most influential is the profile depth coordinate, which largely determines the ratio of distances between grains and between the grain walls. The relative grain and binder content in the wheel has less influence on the surface properties than the grain size and profile depth. The distance between grains on the wheel surface decreases slightly with their increase; they have no effect on the distance between the abrasive grain walls. The characteristics of the internal volumetric structure (grain size, grain content and binder content) are regulated in the production of abrasive tools. The peripheral surface of the wheel (its relief) is directly involved in the sanding process. For describing the relief of a spherical corundum wheel, it is necessary to determine the relationship between the volume characteristics and its surface geometric parameters, which are necessary to determine all the main parameters of the sanding process
For citation: Sergeevichev A.V., Sokolova V.A., Kostyukov I.I., Mikhailova A.E., Voinash S.A. Abrasive Tools Made of Spherical Corundum in Wood Working. Lesnoy Zhurnal = Russian Forestry Journal, 2022, no. 5, pp. 131–142. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.37482/0536-1036-2022-5-131-142
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