Integrated Application of Biostimulants in Cultivation of Siberian Spruce Seedlings (Picea obovata L.)
Siberian spruce, seeds, seedlings, reforestation, biostimulants, growth rate, biomass, chlorophyll, carotenoidsAbstract
The article presents the results of a 5-year experiment on the cultivation of Siberian spruce seedlings combined with integrated use of biostimulants. Additionally, it describes an experience in application of the acquired planting material to artificial reforestation. The analysis of scientific publications was used for type selection of the chemical substances. The treatment for the seeds and the seedlings of Siberian spruce and the concentration of the growth promoters were chosen according to the “State Catalog of Pesticides and Agrochemicals Permitted for Use on the Territory of the Russian Federation”. For this purpose, the recommendations from manufacturers were also taken into concern. It is revealed that Ferovit (0.1 %) and Cytovite (0.01 %) are effective as pre-sowing treatment of the Siberian spruce seeds. Epin-Extra and Heteroauxin with concentrations of 0.002 % give a positive effect on the root development of the seedlings. The experiments showed that a certain sequential use of biostimulants at different stages of the seedling’s cultivation contributes to more intensive biochemical processes inside the plants (an increase in chlorophyll a, b, and carotenoids) with a positive correlation between height and phytomas in aerial parts. The combinations of the biostimulants, such as Ferovit–Heteroauxin and Cytovite–Epin-Extra–Heteroauxin, have improved the plant material within three years. The seedlings satisfied the requirements for the trunk’s height and diameter. They also demonstrated higher quality parameters, such as the proportion between aerial part and root system of the plants, as well as woodiness of the trunks. At the end of the nursery period, the planting material of Siberian spruce, cultivated according to the developed technology with all the requirements and regulations, was used to create a trial plot of forest. The reforestation of the Siberian spruce seedlings was made based on the standard recommendations and technical characteristics for the forestry equipment. The inventory inspection at the end of the first year demonstrated 98.7 % capacity for survival of the experimental trees.
For citation: Ageev A.A., Saltsevich Yu.V., Buryak L.V. Integrated Application of Biostimulants in Cultivation of Siberian Spruce Seedlings (Picea obovata L). Lesnoy Zhurnal = Russian Forestry Journal, 2023, no. 2, pp. 73–87. (In Russ.).
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