Fiber Cement Soil in the Construction of Pavements for Logging Roads
logging automobile roads, road pavement, fiber cement soil, cement soil, stabilized soil, crack resistance, reinforcementAbstract
The most important factor in increasing the efficiency of the development of forest tracts is the development and improvement of the transport and operational condition of the network of logging roads. Inert road construction materials, such as sand, crushed stone, crushed stone-sand mixture or gravel-sand mixture, are traditionally used for the construction of pavements for logging roads. However, in the areas with a shortage of these materials, the cost of road construction increases significantly. An alternative technology that can significantly reduce or completely eliminate the use of inert road construction materials is the stabilization of local soils for the construction of pavement structural layers. The soil stabilization technology consists in mixing them with binders and compacting them at the optimal moisture content of the mixture. In doing so, the resulting material acquires the desired strength and frost resistance. The most effective and common binder for soil stabilization is Portland cement. However, along with high strength properties and frost resistance, cement soils, due to their crystalline structure, have low crack resistance, which worsens transport and operational performance and shortens the service life of road pavements. One of the rational solutions for increasing the security of soil stabilization for the construction of road pavements is the installation of fiber cement soil layers. The object of this research is fiber cement soil for the construction of structural layers of road pavements for logging roads. The aim is to improve the physical and mechanical properties and frost resistance of soils stabilized with Portland cement with the addition of the material based on basalt fiber. Laboratory tests of compressive and tensile strength during splitting, as well as frost resistance of fiber cement soils of various compositions were carried out in accordance with GOST R 70452–2022. According to the data obtained, fiber cement soil has higher strength and frost resistance compared to cement soil. The fibers distributed throughout the cement-soil matrix effectively perceive external loads, providing high physical and mechanical indicators, and therefore crack and frost resistance of the material. The use of fiber cement soil for the construction of pavements for logging roads will increase the durability and reliability of their operation, as well as reduce the costs of construction and operation of road transport infrastructure of forest tracts.
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