Growth and Condition of the English Oak in the Mixed Stands of Forest Shelterbelts




English oak, protective forest plantations, mixed stand, method of forest belt creating, forest pathology condition of trees


An analysis of the creation and operation of protective forest plantations at agricultural enterprises of the Central Chernozem Region allows us to assert that positive ameliorative functions are performed by those forest plantations that have good growth, high stability and longevity. Russian forestry scientists have recognized that the main species in the steppe conditions for all types of protective forest plantations is the English oak. The aim of the research has been to assess the current state of the stands in forest shelterbelts planted via different methods with the English oak as the main species. Taxation works and forest pathology research were carried out in 1997–2021 in the forest shelterbelt no. 9, established in the spring of 1989 by 2-year-old seedlings in the land-use territory of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Experimental Production Farm “Znamya Oktyabrya” of the Talovskiy District of the Voronezh Region. It has been established that the influence of combinations of tree species in forest belts on the growth of the English oak at the age of 32 years is quite significant. As a result of competitive relations for environmental resources by fast-growing and associate species, the number of live oak trees in a continuous row planting option is 35.6...52.1 % less than in intermittent forest belt options, of their number during planting. The remaining sharply oppressed oak trees in the plantation sown in the continuous row planting way are far behind in height and stem diameter (by 0.8...7.6 m and 4.1...12.7 cm, respectively) compared to the oaks growing in the intermittent forest belts sown in a block planting way. The absence of improvement felling in the experimental plantations during their growth and formation has led to a significant number of dead oak wood and non-viable trees of this species. Moreover, the proportion of dead oak wood and non-viable trees in the forest belt sown via continuous row planting exceeds the indicator in the intermittent forest belts by 36.6...40.6 %. The number of viable oak trees in the intermittent belt options is 17.7...27.3 % higher than in the continuous row planting option, and the number of limitedly viable trees is 11.5...18.9 % higher.


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Author Biography

Aleksey S. Chekanyshkin, Voronezh Federal Agricultural Scientific Centre named after V.V. Dokuchaev

Candidate of Agriculture, Leading Research Scientist; ResearcherID: AAK-4197-2021


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How to Cite

Chekanyshkin А. “Growth and Condition of the English Oak in the Mixed Stands of Forest Shelterbelts”. Lesnoy Zhurnal (Forestry Journal), no. 3, June 2024, pp. 65-72, doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2024-3-65-72.