The Peculiarities of the Operation of Logging Roads in the Spring-Winter Period
winter logging roads, road operation, route direction, thawing, elastic modulus, insolation, solar radiationAbstract
Seasonal roads are not capital construction objects. Unlike all-season ones, they can be of summer and winter action. During the transport development of forests, both allseason paved roads and temporary unpaved roads are required. The share of temporary roads is more than 90 % of all logging roads. One of the main problems of temporary logging roads is uneven seasonal operation, especially in summer. Seasonal roads do not have a permanent surface; more often it is natural soil, subject, except for mechanical impacts, to atmospheric ones, which is most evident in the summer-autumn period. Therefore, about 80 % of the harvested wood is exported via winter roads. The density of temporary roads depends on the general harvesting technology in a particular area, including the wood skidding distance and the angle of relative position of forest roads. Winter road construction works are carried out in summer and winter. In summer, engineering surveys are carried out, the optimal direction of the future route is determined, a clearing is cut, a roadbed is prepared, and if necessary, culverts are installed. With the onset of cold weather, the existing soil is compacted and leveled to accelerate its freezing. If the roadbed is sufficiently frozen, a snow-ice cover is formed. The article considers the influence of roadside forest plantations on the air temperature near the road surface, soil temperature, blocking solar radiation – the factors that are directly related to the overall service life of a winter road. Special attention is paid to slowing down the decrease in the winter road pavement strength in the shade of preserved trees by choosing the optimal route direction. The slowdown in the decrease in the pavement strength of the forest dirt road has been established and confirmed in areas where solar radiation is blocked by trees, i.e. in the shade. The difference in strength reduction to the minimum is 33 days. Based on the research results, it has been concluded that a comprehensive development of the logistics strategy for the organization of roundwood transportation via winter roads is necessary.
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