Heat and Mass Transfer Simulation in the Pyrolysis Zone


  • А. В. Сафина Kazan National Research Technological University
  • Н. Ф. Тимербаев Kazan National Research Technological University
  • Д. Ф. Зиатдинова Kazan National Research Technological University
  • Р. Г. Сафин Kazan National Research Technological University
  • А. Р. Хабибуллина Kazan National Research Technological University




mathematical model, heat and mass transfer, charcoal, pyrolysis, activation, gas flow


Nowadays, about 200 mln m3 of timber is harvested in our country. At all stages of the process (from harvesting to raw wood processing) a large amount of waste that does not find any usage and has negative influence on the environment is generated at the same time.
Pyrolysis is one of the feasible directions of such waste processing. The yield of pyrolysis products depends on the external conditions and the raw materials properties. The article describes a plant targeting for production of activated carbon from wood chips. The plant is designed as a mine. It has a pyrolysis zone operating in periodic mode. Heating elements are located in the lower part of the pyrolysis zone. They heat industrial chips prior to intense exothermic reactions. Thermal energy is transferred to the heating elements by a heat pipe placed in charcoal after the activation stage, which has  temperature about 800 °C. Valuable products are obtained from wood waste with the use of this plant, which are in a great  demand in the industry. The environmental problem of many wood processing enterprises is being solved; disposal of waste dumps. Mathematical model of the process has been developed based on the analysis of the physical phenomenon and pyrolysis process formalization in the activated carbon plant. The model allows calculating the total time spent on wood waste processing and the main design parameters of the plant.


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Author Biographies

А. В. Сафина, Kazan National Research Technological University

Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor

Н. Ф. Тимербаев, Kazan National Research Technological University

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Д. Ф. Зиатдинова, Kazan National Research Technological University

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Р. Г. Сафин, Kazan National Research Technological University

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

А. Р. Хабибуллина, Kazan National Research Technological University



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How to Cite

Сафина, А. В., Н. Ф. Тимербаев, Д. Ф. Зиатдинова, Р. Г. Сафин, and А. Р. Хабибуллина. “Heat and Mass Transfer Simulation in the Pyrolysis Zone”. Lesnoy Zhurnal (Forestry Journal), no. 1, Mar. 2019, pp. 153–160, doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2019-1-153–160.




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