The Control and Management System of High-Power Lithium-Ion Batteries
control and management systems, high-power lithium-ion battery, fire and explosion safety, passive and active balancingAbstract
Today the logging industry is very profitable and its products are highly-demanded. However, the operating conditions of vehicles in the Russian logging areas correspond to the 3rd – 5th operation categories. Topical issues connected with the vehicle operation in the cold period. It applies to power supply systems to the full extent. High-power lithium chemical current sources, which ensure reliable operation of logging vehicles and samples of special vehicles under difficult operating conditions, can be a base for the power supply systems. In comparison with traditional electrochemical systems (nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride and lead-acid), lithium-ion batteries have such advantages as high voltage, and energy density, broad range of operating temperatures, long shelf life. However, these current sources have a number of drawbacks; one of which is risk of fire and explosion, i.e. the possibility of uncontrolled chemical reactions in certain conditions leading to flame development and detonation. The article shows the importance of usage electronic means of protection in high-power lithium-ion batteries; control and management systems with passive and active balancing of batteries; offered recommendations for their use. The results of testing an experimental sample of a lithium-ion starter battery are presented.
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