The Role of Intestinal Microbiota in the Development of Cardiovascular Diseases. Diagnostic Methods and Correction (Review)




intestinal microbiome, cardiovascular diseases, serum biomarkers, prebiotics, probiotics, young women with low physical activity


Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain the leading cause of death around the world, claiming the lives of over 17 million people annually. In Russia, CVDs occupy a central place among all causes of mortality and disability. Circulatory system diseases account for 57 % of the total mortality structure in Russia. Nearly 20 % of the population die at working age. In 90 % of cases, the cause of death is coronary heart disease or stroke. The purpose of this article was to review the existing knowledge of the role of intestinal microbiota in the development of CVDs, with an emphasis on laboratory testing of metabolites and the ways of treating dysbiosis according to scientific literature and guidelines. The sample included 607 works on the role of microbiota in the development of CVDs published between 2019 and 2023. The following databases were searched: Cyberleninka, eLIBRARY.RU, SpringerLink, Web of Science, Frontiers, Google Scholar and others. In the last 10 years, studies on the intestinal microbiome have shown that the human microbial ecosystem not only serves as an additional neuro-endocrine organ, but also plays an important role in the development and prevention of CVDs, circulatory pathologies, and serious metabolic disorders such as obesity, diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome, as well as thyroid and autoimmune diseases. In this regard, studies into the effect of microbiota on the development of CVDs using new biochemical markers of the qualitative composition of the microbiome and intestinal metabolome, demonstrating an association with the risk of developing CVDs, are viewed as extremely relevant. Probiotic and prebiotic agents combined with long-term physical training can be used to prevent the development and progression of CVDs and to personalize treatment.


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How to Cite

Valeeva Л. Л., Shcherbinina А. Е., Avdeeva К. С., Zueva Е. В., Lyapina М. В., & Petelina Т. И. (2024). The Role of Intestinal Microbiota in the Development of Cardiovascular Diseases. Diagnostic Methods and Correction (Review). Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 12(4), 534–547.