The Model of Birch-Spruce Plantations Formation in the Conditions of the Russian Plain Southern Taiga




southern taiga, birch forests, subcanopy spruce population, birch-spruce plantation, stand growth, age stages, stand formation model


The results of 30 years or research on the formation and growth of birch forests from the subcanopy spruce population in the conditions of the Russian Plain southern taiga are presented. The studies have been carried out on 19 permanent sample plots (PSPs). They were laid in regionally representative sorrel-blueberry birch forests aged 15–115 years with high density and productivity. The birch plantations on the PSPs belong to the same natural age series. The majority of spruce trees appeared under the canopy of birch forests up to 40 years old. As the birch trees aged, the age structure of spruce trees changed from even-aged to conditionally even-aged. Based on the study of the dynamics of the number of trees, the vertical structure of stands, the growing stock and the total stem wood stock, the age stages of development of the spruce population in the birch forests up to 120 years old have been determined. They are regeneration, young growth, polewood and maturation. The end of the maturation stage occurs at the birch tree age of 120 years. At the same time, the average spruce tree age in the first and second layers is 90 years. The duration of the stages varies from 10 years (the young growth stage) to 40 years (the regeneration and maturation stages). To determine the time of onset and end of other age stages of the subcanopy spruce population, the studies in birch forests older than 120 years are needed. The work performed has made it possible to propose a model of the joint formation of birch forests and the subcanopy spruce population, in which the main taxation characteristics are given for all elements of the stand: age, number of trees, the sum of the cross-section of the stems, the stock of the growing and dead wood, as well as total productivity. According to the model, by the age of a birch of 120 years, the total productivity of modal plantations will be about 950 m3/ha and the growing stock of the stand will be about 490 m3/ha. The share of spruce wood will be 28 % or about 150 m3/ha. After the birch forest decay, a low-density spruce forest of the 3rd quality class can form in its place.


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Author Biographies

Anatoliy A. Deryugin, Institute of Forest Science, RAS

Candidate of Agriculture, Senior Research Scientist; ResearcherID: AAJ-7600-2021

Natal’ya A. Rybakova, Institute of Forest Science, RAS

Candidate of Agriculture, Senior Research Scientist; ResearcherID: AAI-8908-2021

Yurij B. Glazunov, Institute of Forest Science, RAS

Candidate of Agriculture; ResearcherID: J-1298-2016


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How to Cite

Deryugin А., Rybakova Н., and Glazunov Ю. “The Model of Birch-Spruce Plantations Formation in the Conditions of the Russian Plain Southern Taiga”. Lesnoy Zhurnal (Forestry Journal), no. 3, June 2024, pp. 23-45, doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2024-3-23-45.