Improving the Feeder’s Working Capacity of Timber Processing Equipment


  • Е. А. Памфилов Bryansk State Technical University, bul’var 50-letiya Oktyabrya, 7, Bryansk, 241035, Russian Federation
  • Г. А. Пилюшина Bryansk State Technical University, bul’var 50-letiya Oktyabrya, 7, Bryansk, 241035, Russian Federation
  • Е. В. Шевелева Bryansk State Engineering and Technological University, prosp. Stanke Dimitrova, 3, Bry-ansk, 241037, Russian Federation
  • Я. С. Прозоров Bryansk State Technical University, bul’var 50-letiya Oktyabrya, 7, Bryansk, 241035, Russian Federation
  • П. Г. Пыриков Bryansk State Technical University, bul’var 50-letiya Oktyabrya, 7, Bryansk, 241035, Russian Federation



frictional and mechanical contact, feeding rollers, working capacity, friction, coupling, wearing out, geometrical shape, tribological parameters, load


The working capacity of the logging and wood processing equipment feeding mechanisms is determined by the achievable coupling of the roller’s working elements with the movable blanks. The coupling stability depends significantly on the geometry specified in the design and implemented in manufacturing and physicochemical properties of the materials of tenons that capture, hold and continuously move the blanks into the processing zone. During operation, the geometrical parameters of tenons are changing due to wearing out, which is a result of a complex set of mechanical, chemical, thermal and other influences that accompany friction and deformation interaction of working elements of feeders and movable wood. Worn down tenons do not provide reliable movement of a blank, due to its slippage, which causes quality reduction of final products and leads to intensification of the cutting tool wearing out. At the same time the features of influence of tenon geometrical form on the mating forces of feeding rollers with movable blanks in conditions of development of the tribotechnical characteristics, which provide their working capacity, are not studied sufficiently for the practical use. Therefore, the research purpose is to clarify the conditions of friction-mechanical interaction of working elements of rollers with wood and to identify patterns of wearing out of tenon working surfaces, which allows theoretically substantiate their rational geometrical shape and requirements for the physicochemical characteristics of recommended materials. The acting load’s principles realized in the zone of contact of the metal surfaces of tenons with wood at displacement of blanks are considered for these purposes. The process of the force interaction change of tenons with blanks is shown beginning with the moment of contact of a certain tenon until it leaves the coupling. Its analysis showed that already at the beginning of the contact the shock bending load begins to act on the top of a tenon. The load in case of peak values often leads to wearing out by crumbling sufficiently large microvolumes of the feeding tenons. The probability of development of such fracture pattern is the greatest with insufficient strength of the using material and pre-sence of structural defects, especially unfavorably located microcracks, and the action of dangerous tensile residual stresses. These factors also significantly affect the corrosion-mechanical wearing out of the working surfaces of tenons and their resistance movement in wood. Thus, the main factor of effective transportation of a blank to the processing zone and achievement of high wearing resistance of feeding rollers is optimization the tenon geometry, properties of the assigned materials and technology of strengthening treatment of the concerned details.

For citation: Pamfilov E.A., Pilyushina G.A., Sheveleva E.V., Prozorov Ya.S., Pyrikov P.G. Improving the Feeder’s Working Capacity of Timber Processing Equipment. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 2, pp. 102–110. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.2.102


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Author Biographies

Е. А. Памфилов, Bryansk State Technical University, bul’var 50-letiya Oktyabrya, 7, Bryansk, 241035, Russian Federation

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Г. А. Пилюшина, Bryansk State Technical University, bul’var 50-letiya Oktyabrya, 7, Bryansk, 241035, Russian Federation

Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Е. В. Шевелева, Bryansk State Engineering and Technological University, prosp. Stanke Dimitrova, 3, Bry-ansk, 241037, Russian Federation

Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Я. С. Прозоров, Bryansk State Technical University, bul’var 50-letiya Oktyabrya, 7, Bryansk, 241035, Russian Federation

Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor

П. Г. Пыриков, Bryansk State Technical University, bul’var 50-letiya Oktyabrya, 7, Bryansk, 241035, Russian Federation

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite

Памфилов, Е. А., Г. А. Пилюшина, Е. В. Шевелева, Я. С. Прозоров, and П. Г. Пыриков. “Improving the Feeder’s Working Capacity of Timber Processing Equipment”. Lesnoy Zhurnal (Forestry Journal), no. 2, Apr. 2019, p. 102, doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2019-2-102.

