Relationship Between Gene Polymorphisms of the Renin-Angiotensin System and Dental Caries Experience




dental caries, vascular tone, gene polymorphism, renin-angiotensin system, angiotensinogen gene, angiotensin II receptor type 1 gene


 When it comes to studying periodontal diseases and their correlation with general physical pathology, the relationship between the state of oral organs and tissues and the haemodynamic system is of interest; however, research is often conducted without taking into account molecular genetic determinants. The purpose of this article was to determine the relationship of the T704C and C521C polymorphisms of the angiotensinogen (AGT) gene and A1166C polymorphism of the angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AGT2R1) gene with dental caries experience in young people living in the European North of Russa. Materials and methods. The research included 57 healthy male and female subjects (mean age 18.2 years; confidence interval 17.9–19.4) permanently residing in the Arkhangelsk Region. The polymorphisms under study were genotyped by means of pyrosequencing; their allele and genotype frequencies were determined. Angiotensin II level in blood plasma was measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Decay-missing-filled (DMF) index and forms of caries in subjects with and without mutant alleles for each gene variant were determined. Results. Young individuals with mutant AGT and AGT2R1 gene alleles showed high DMF index; however, a statistically significant increase in DMF index was observed only in the case of the T704C polymorphism. Angiotensin II levels in young subjects did not differ statistically significantly by sex; however, a tendency was observed towards increased angiotensin II level in the presence of mutant alleles of all the genes under study in the genotype. Among the carriers of the mutant C allele of the T704C polymorphism of the AGT gene, subjects with the decompensated form of caries prevailed, while carriers of the mutant T allele of the C521T polymorphism of the AGT gene showed higher frequency of the subcompensated form of caries. Carriers of the mutant C allele of the A1166C polymorphism of the AGT2R1 gene demonstrated increased frequency of the compensated form of caries with a slight decrease in the frequency of the subcompensated and decompensated forms.


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Author Biographies

Sergey N. Levitsky, Northern State Medical University

Associate Professor of the Department of Medical Biology and Genetics

Natal’ya A. Bebyakova, Northern State Medical University

Head of the Department of Medical Biology and Genetics

Nadezhda G. Davydova, Northern State Medical University

Associate Professor of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry

Aleksandra S. Galieva, Northern State Medical University

assistant of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry


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How to Cite

Levitsky С. Н., Bebyakova Н. А., Davydova Н. Г., & Galieva А. С. (2023). Relationship Between Gene Polymorphisms of the Renin-Angiotensin System and Dental Caries Experience. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 11(4), 381–390.

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