Attributive Vocabulary in Marina Tsvetaeva’s Works
epithet, attributive construction, author’s style, concept, poetics, Marina TsvetaevaAbstract
This article describes the results of the research on the formation and functioning of attributive vocabulary in Marina Tsvetaeva’s texts (poems and narrative poems). Her collected works were used as the material. The paper aimed to identify the potential of this type of vocabulary in the metaphorical modelling of meanings and actualization of attributes. The relevance of this study is explained by the need for a holistic and systematic analysis of Tsvetaeva’s idiolect. The key methods applied here are descriptive, interpretive, and conceptual, as well as the componential analysis of words. The research established that the attributive vocabulary abundant in Tsvetaeva’s texts reflects her work with language: constant reflection on semantics and perception of creativity as a process where meaning is generated here and now. The structural types of attributive constructions found in Tsvetaeva’s texts are associated with the author’s intention, i.e. to convey the necessary meaning, as words with attributive semantics are flexible and plastic in expressing usual and occasional meanings. Tsvetaeva surrounds the modified word with epithets and uses prepositive or postpositive chains of attributes, making the attributive vocabulary central in the sentence. Clarifications, antonymy and synonymy of attributive words, their occasional use – all these methods of working with epithets are applied to actualize generation of meaning. The research revealed such a feature
of Tsvetaeva’s idiolexicon as linguistic reflection on attributive constructions. The results obtained can be used to further study the author’s style of not only Tsvetaeva, but also of other writers and poets.
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