Correlation Between Being and Time: The Ontological Role of the Phenomenon of Being-Guilty in M. Heidegger’s Concept of Dasein
fundamental ontology, correlation, being, nothing, being-guilty, DaseinAbstract
The article analyses the problem of correlation between being and time in the fundamental ontology of M. Heidegger. Within the framework of this problem, arguments are presented in favour of the thesis about the ontological role of the existentiale of being-guilty in terms of the correlation between the meaning of Dasein’s being and the meaning of being in general in the context of fundamental ontology. The methodology of this article consists in combining two approaches to the analysis of the relationship between being and time in Heidegger’s early philosophy, which he applies in his system: hermeneutic and phenomenological. The phenomenological methodology is presented here as the stages of the phenomenological reduction of the phenomenon of being-guilty. In this regard, the hermeneutic methodology is applied in the form of an intermediate interpretation of the meanings of this phenomenon, which are implicitly contained in this philosophical system. Based on the results obtained, a subsequent reduction of these existential meanings is made, which opens a way to discovering the ontological basis for the phenomenon of being-guilty. In accordance with Heidegger’s reasoning about Dasein’s being and the analysis carried out in this article, the author reveals the ontological basis for being-guilty, which is constituted through a fundamental for such an ontology relationship between Dasein’s temporality and Dasein’s being. The thesis about Dasein’s temporality goes back to the problem of the finitude of human existence, which in an ontological sense can be fixed in the understanding of the insignificance of one’s own being. This thesis takes the study to the level of the problems of Being and Time, where we find the initially stated by Heidegger and not thought out meaning of being in general and nothing, forming the basis for Dasein’s being. Thus, the question of the ground in philosophy, which is put forward to us by the results of Heidegger’s research in Being and Time remains relevant.
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