International Relations in the Early 21st Century: Trends and Prospects




system of international relations, collective security, League of Nations, UN, balance of power, international law, nuclear weapons


This article dwells on the prospects for the development of international relations in the 21st century. The fact of a high level of conflict in the world is stated, the specifics of the current situation is considered and the need to analyse ways to create a stable system of international relations is substantiated. Further, a short overview of how well this topic has been researched is provided. The problem is considered in historical retrospect. The paper studies the systems of international relations in the 19th and 20th centuries: (Vienna, Versailles–Washington, and Yalta–Potsdam, as well as the modern system of international relations that started to take shape in the late 20th century) and their evolution. Each of the systems is briefly analysed here. Special attention is given to such notions as the balance of power, collective security, and international law. In addition, the role of the League of Nations and the UN in 20th-century international relations and the results achieved by them are evaluated. Moreover, the problems faced by the UN are described and the organization’s prospects in the 21st century are assessed. Considering the current system of international relations, the author notes its incomplete formation as well as fundamental differences from the systems that existed before. The developing system has faced a number of entirely new challenges, such as a complete discrediting of the international law, virtual destruction of the nuclear weapons control system, total loss of trust between the countries, extremely high level of tension in the world in general, and ineffectiveness of the UN. In conclusion, the author attempts to predict how the situation in the world will be developing in the 21st century and what the system of international relations will look like in the future.


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Author Biography

Vladimir Yu. Luk’yanov, Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation

Кандидат исторических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры международного предпринимательства 


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How to Cite

Luk’yanov . В. Ю. (2022). International Relations in the Early 21st Century: Trends and Prospects. Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences", 22(4), 16–27.