Arkhangelsk Region in the System of Training Specialists on International Relations




international relations, training of specialists, scientific activity, Barents Euro-Arctic Region, Northern Europe, Arctic


This article dwells on the experience of Pomor State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and, later, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov in training specialists and scientific work in the field of international relations. The authors characterize landmark events of 2003 and 2007–2008 related to the development of this sphere, e.g. to the creation of the Department of Regional Studies (later, Regional Studies, International Relations and Political Sciences). The paper analyses the university’s and department’s partnerships with the leading scientific institutions and universities in Russia and abroad in the field of studying the history and current state of international relations in Northern Europe, Barents Euro-Arctic Region, and the Arctic. In addition, it presents the results of this collaboration and the most significant projects and publications.


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Author Biographies

Vladislav I. Goldin, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov

доктор исторических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры регионоведения, международных отношений и политологии

Flera Kh. Sokolova, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov

доктор исторических наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой регионоведения, международных отношений и политологии


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Русский Север в системе геополитических интересов России / отв. ред. В.И. Голдин, В.А. Михайлов. М.; Архангельск: Помор. гос. ун-т, 2002. 192 с.

Голдин В.И. Китайская мозаика: Китайская Народная Республика в начале XXI века. Архангельск: САФУ, 2017. 253 с.

Голдин В.И. Мир в прошлом и настоящем: наблюдения, впечатления, размышления: моногр. Архангельск: САФУ, 2020. 560 с.

Russland kommer nærmere: Norge og Russland 1814−1917 / ed. by J.P. Nielsen. Oslo: Pax, 2014. 643 p.

Naboer i frykt og forventning: Norge og Russland 1917−2014 / ed. by S.G. Holtsmark. Oslo: Pax, 2015. 748 p.

The Barents Region: A Transnational History of Subarctic Northern Europe / ed. by L. Elenius. Oslo: Pax, 2015. 518 p.

From Northeast Passage to Northern Sea Route: A History of the Waterway North of Eurasia / ed. by J.P. Nielsen, E. Okhuizen. Leiden: Brill, 2022. 500 p.

Международные отношения в Арктике: учеб.-метод. материалы № 3/2017 / Голдин В.И., Соколова Ф.Х., Паникар М.М.; Российский совет по международным делам (РСМД). М.: НП РСМД, 2017. 76 с.


Bulatov V.N., Shalev A.A. Barentsev Evro-Arkticheskiy region i Arkhangel’skaya oblast’: mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo: istoriya i sovremennost’ [Barents Euro-Arctic Region and the Arkhangelsk Region: International Cooperation: Past and Present]. Arkhangelsk, 2001. 172 p.

Goldin V.I., Mikhaylov V.A. (eds.). Russkiy Sever v sisteme geopoliticheskikh interesov Rossii [Russian North in the System of Russia’ Geopolitical Interests]. Moscow, 2002. 192 p.

Goldin V.I. Kitayskaya mozaika: Kitayskaya Narodnaya Respublika v nachale XXI veka [The Chinese Mosaic: The People’s Republic of China in the Early 21st Century]. Arkhangelsk, 2017. 253 p.

Goldin V.I. Mir v proshlom i nastoyashchem: nablyudeniya, vpechatleniya, razmyshle-niya [The World in the Past and Present: Observations, Impressions, Reflections]. Arkhangelsk, 2020. 560 p.

Nielsen J.P. (ed.). Russland kommer nærmere: Norge og Russland 1814−1917. Oslo, 2014. 643 p.

Holtsmark S.G. (ed.). Naboer i frykt og forventning: Norge og Russland 1917−2014. Oslo, 2015. 748 p.

Elenius L. (ed.). The Barents Region: A Transnational History of Subarctic Northern Europe. Oslo, 2015. 518 p.

Nielsen J.P., Okhuizen E. (eds.). From Northeast Passage to Northern Sea Route: A History of the Waterway North of Eurasia. Leiden, 2022. 500 p.

Goldin V.I., Sokolova F.Kh., Panikar M.M. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya v Arktike [International Relations in the Arctic]. Moscow, 2017. 76 p.



How to Cite

Goldin В. И., & Sokolova Ф. Х. (2022). Arkhangelsk Region in the System of Training Specialists on International Relations. Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences", 22(5), 126–131.