Valerian Muravyov’s Concept of Mastering Time in the Anthropocene Epoch: A Dialogue Between the Natural and the Artificial




V.N. Muravyov, Anthropocene, cosmism, philosophical ecology, problem of time, socioecological crisis


This article analyses the teaching of Valerian Muravyov, a Russian cosmist, in the context of modern ecological discourse. It is emphasized here that at present, due to the active technological development, society is faced with the Anthropocene crisis. Its manifestations and ways of overcoming it are reflected in the works by representatives of Russian cosmism. The object of the research is the philosophical heritage of Muravyov as a prominent representative of the Russian philosophical thought. The purpose of this article was to study the concept of mastering time, developed by Muravyov, in order to find ways out of the dangerous socio-ecological situation in which the society of the Anthropocene epoch found itself in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, as well as to determine the possibilities of maintaining a balance between the natural and artificial human habitats under these conditions. Achieving this goal requires accomplishing a number of tasks, such as: a general analysis and assessment of the relevance of the idea of mastering time to the global problems of our era; examination of Muravyov’s interpretation of the concept of culture and its extrapolation to the problems of nature preservation in the process of the ongoing technological revolution; exploration of the works of philosophical and ecological theorists within the framework of the Anthropocene concept, while identifying correlations between these works and Muravyov’s ideas. The scientific novelty of this paper consists in the dissection of Muravyov’s ideas, still largely unresearched, in considering their relevance to the current socio-ecological problems, as well as in analysing their similarities with and differences from the theories of other representatives of the ecological and philosophical thought. In addition, the paper suggests possible ways to overcome the current crisis. It is concluded that Muravyov’s concept, including the idea of a rational transformation of the world by people, which requires their uniting for a common cause, may be applied to solve the problems faced by humanity in the Anthropocene epoch.


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Author Biography

Elena V. Sukhanova, National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod

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How to Cite

Sukhanova Е. В. (2022). Valerian Muravyov’s Concept of Mastering Time in the Anthropocene Epoch: A Dialogue Between the Natural and the Artificial. Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences", 22(5), 86–95.