Hermeneutics of Labour
philosophy of labour, services, rest, service, play, leisure, hobby, sportAbstract
This article deals with the problem of the definition of labour, which has been gaining relevance in the conditions of the post-industrial society and recognition of such practices as active rest, domestic work, services, volunteering etc. A classical interpretation viewed labour as a productive activity to transform nature. Nowadays, however, it is becoming increasingly important to protect the environment rather than transform it. The paper describes the paradoxes of hunter and peasant, where one and the same activity, depending on the perspective, can be regarded as work, play, rest or exploitation. The author suggests the following definition of labour: a socially demanded human activity. Special attention is given here to the analysis of unproductive labour, which can be subdivided into service and services. While the former is aimed to meet the needs of society as a whole (Fatherland), the latter are performed for individuals. Thus, the following activities can be considered as service: teaching, medical practice, military activities, civil service and transportation. Work is opposed to rest, which can be passive (sleep and relaxation) as well as active (eating, communication, walking and certain games). The author points out that the work–play opposition is not absolute, since professional sport and acting are now considered labour. In the Soviet Union, for instance, state awards, such as the Hero of Socialist Labour, were given to the ballet dancers Galina Ulanova and Maya Plisetskaya as well as to the football player Lev Yashin. At the same time, when there is no longer a social demand for certain work, it can be transformed into rest, thus becoming a hobby.
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